special chapter 1 : heavens blessing

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sanzu's pov

years after getting married, my lovely life and i stayed the same. nothing changed between us and our relationship, things got even better as we grew together.

i stared at the beautiful y/n sanzu beside me, she's sleeping peacefully and i didn't want to wake her up. we had a meeting the other day that breakfast will be served in our place. bonten members are gathering and together with some acquaintances if they're bringing some.

the cold win greeted me as i stepped out of our mansion, not from afar i saw my bonten members setting up the table. they're too early as five in the morning.

we live near the beach exactly where we left each other and found each other again. it's also calming how we can hear the waves from our mansion and how we can easily swim from time to time. it's a private beach that i own and now i share it with my wife.

"daddy! daddy look!" my lips automatically curled up as i turn around to see my precious daughter running into my arms.

as soon as she hugged me, i lifted her up twirling her in the air. her adorable laugh made everyone look in our way as they smiled at how cute she is.

"look! uncle ran-ran and i were collecting seashells!" her little hands opened, some seashells are too big for her small fingers.

"did you have fun?" i swept the strands of hair that was covering her face as she smiled at me.

the one thing that she got from me is the color of my eyes and the rest came from her mother. i'm glad she got the personality of her mother or else it'll be troublesome if she got mine.

y/n made me a better person and my daughter made me a better father. when she got pregnant i was happiest man in the world but i was scared.

what if my child hates me? what if they found out about my past? what if i don't become a good father? all those thoughts stayed in my head like veins from trees but y/n will always assure me that i'll become an amazing father to her children. after all, she saw how i changed to become better for everyone and for myself.

"she keeps on collecting seashells like her mother." ran was now in front of us showing me the bucket of seashells.

y/n and my daughter would always collect seashells everyday at sunset. at night both of them will clean it and display it at a separate room. they would show me their collection, they pick the seashells that does not have a owner of course.

"where's mommy?" her blue eyes turned into puppy eyes as she looked around the place.

"she's still sleeping." i gave her a kiss on her forehead, she's not really a mama's girl but she does miss her mother from time to time. when i'm busy at work both of them would sometimes flood my messages with pictures or videos.

carrying her in my arms as we went our way to the long table filled with delicious food. sponsored by koko and some cooked by kakucho. everyone seems to be having fun as i heard their laughters side to side.

"if you're going to say your full name and age i'll give you a price." koko was swaying a paper bag in his hands as he teased my daughter. he keeps on spoiling her since he doesn't have a lover yet.

my daughter pouted as she took a deep breath to prepare herself. she really want that gift from koko when i always buy her gifts everyday? i feel betrayed.

"my name is harumi sanzu and i'm-" she showed her little fingers counting her age.

"three years old!" she proudly said her age and everyone clapped their hands.

"good job! what's my name then?" koko kept on teasing her.

"koko- coconut!" i bursted out laughing with the others and koko looked disappointed.

the other day we were drinking coconut juice and she thought that uncle koko's full name is coconut.

"what's happening here?" i felt soft arms wrapped around my waist and i turned around to see my lovely wife.

"good morning, love." i leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips but everyone booed.

"good morning mommy!" harumi opened her little arms to hug her mother and she also asked for a kiss.

"you didn't wake me up." y/n pouted as i pincher her cheeks, she hates it when i leave her alone in the bed but i can't just wake her up when i know she's tired.

"if you're thinking that i'm tired then you're wrong, i sometimes work at home and you're the busy one you're more tired than i am." i sighed in defeat, she knows me that well.

"even if you work at home you still need to rest, taking care of harumi is not easy." i leaned in to give her a soft kiss on her cheeks.

"it's uncle rin-rin!" harumi pointed behind us and we saw rindou with a woman.

is that the woman he's been talking about? my eyes went to y/n and saw her smile. when we found out that rindou's in a relationship we were both happy. after many years, he deserves to be happy just like us.

rindou took harumi from us and carried her in his arms. he gave her some chocolates and even some toys. y/n was talking to rindou's lover and both of them enjoyed each others company. it's good that rindou brought his lover or else y/n would feel lonely.

the food was already finished and everyone started eating. there are days where all of us gather around to eat and reminisce the memories we made years ago.

harumi was getting everyone's attention because she looks cute holding the huge sushi in her hands as she tries to fit it in her mouth.

"you can't fit something that big in your mouth, mimi." y/n helped harumi in her food and cut them into small pieces.

"that's what she said." ran said, bonten members started laughing and slamming their hands on the table. rindou glared at his brother in embarrassment with his lover and y/n tried to cover harumi's ears.

after eating we had a small concert, y/n was dancing with harumi while she's holding a mic. both of them were having fun as everyone clapped their hands with the song.

rindou and his lover were forced to dance and both of them look good together. it was evident in rindou's eyes that he's in love once again.

koko was throwing money at ran while he's twerking, this is not a strip club and they're seriously shameless. kakucho, mikey, and the others were just disappointed at the two.

a huge blanket was placed near the shore, all of us were gathered around just admiring the beautiful beach right in front of us.

i never really saw a future where we'll be experiencing these kinds of things. i always thought that i'll be alone but everything changed when i met her. she changed me for the better, she taught me how to become a loving husband, and an amazing father.

y/n's head was leaning on my shoulder as my arms were wrapped around her waist. harumi is sitting on my lap and her head leaning on my chest. i received a lot of blessings all my life but they're the best blessing that heaven gave me.

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