chapter 3 : rival in love

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sounds of birds were heard outside as the sun hit the corners of my room. it was saturday, the day of my part-time job and the party.

i combed my hair with my fingers and tied it in a low ponytail. i put my hands up as if i was touching the sky to do my morning stretch then went to the bathroom for a morning shower.

the weather remained the same cold as always i didn't want to get sick since i'm kind of sensitive in cold weather. i wore a comfy burgundy turtleneck sweater dress and partnered it with knee-high heels.

got my bag, brought some comfy shoes, extra socks, then called a taxi. the cafe opens up at seven in the morning and right now it's six-thirty.

hina was already there arranging the foods that'll be displayed, her fiance was fixing the chairs and tables.

"good morning!" i went to hug hina and kissed her cheeks.

"good morning, y/n!" she hugged me back and signaled takemichi to come beside us. i and takemichi greeted each other with a hug and exchanged greetings.

"y/n, it's cold take this." takemichi went beside the counter and gave me a coffee.

"my, thank you! the weather remains cold even if it's summer don't you think?" i blew my coffee and took a sip from it. hina's cafe will always be the best!

"the advantage we get is that we don't sweat from the heat but we can't swim in this weather or else we'll freeze from the cold." she hugged herself as she pretended to shiver from the cold.

takemichi wen beside her and left a kiss on her forehead before leaving. i guess he helped her open the cafe but he still has worked.

"i wish i have a lover, not that i need one but i want to experience it." setting aside my coffee on the table hina laughed and hugged me.

"someday, you will meet the person that will love you wholeheartedly. someone will love you more than i love you but i won't allow that!" she squeezed me in her arms while shaking me.

being that rich auntie won't be a bad idea but i didn't want to end up alone.

before the shop opened i told her about the invitation i got and asked her if i should attend the party since i'm having second thoughts.

"eh?! they threatened to kill you if you won't come?!" she was mad right now, her arms on her waist. she insisted on coming but i told her it'll be dangerous and.

"hina, i know you're concern about me but this will be dangerous. i can't guarantee your safety and takemichi won't allow you. maybe i should attend but i'll be quick okay?" i assured her that i'll be fine and in the end, she just sighed and nodded.

the day ended with me serving customers and closing the shop. staring out the window of the car, i couldn't help but think about what will happen at the party. why was i invited? the windows were moist, people were coming here and there, the city lights, and the beautiful night sky.

one hour before the party i was staring at the invitation. would they really kill me if i don't attend? shaking my head i threw it at the table then went inside the bathroom.

i wore the dress that the man gave me, did some loose curls, added pearl clips on the sides of my hair, wore my accessories, heels, got my bag with the things i need, and got the invitation.

on the way to the hotel, my heart was beating fast and my palms were sweating. i need to calm down, it's just a party, i won't drink any alcohol and that's it.

the hotel was huge, rich people were coming in and out, expensive cars, and some men that look dangerous.

the invitation said the party will take place on the highest floor. i went inside the elevator and pressed the highest button. this might be it, right? i sighed and pressed my back on the wall behind me taking deep breathes.

the elevator opened and it revealed a huge room. at center, there were five men. there were purple and blue lights from the room, the smell of alcohol, and something else i didn't know how to describe it.

i thought the party was in the highest floor? did i press the wrong button? everyone looked at me stopping from what they were doing.

"i'm sorry, i got into the wrong floor but i'll be heading out." the elevator door was about to close but a hand went inside stopping it.

"i didn't expect you to come! i'm the one who gave you the invitation. i know it's late for introductions but i'm kokonoi hajime." he stuck his tongue out and i just frowned.

i stayed silent not moving an inch, i don't know what they're plotting but they smell bad news. he went closer and was about to hug me but i punched his face out of reflex. the men behind him started laughing and clapping their hands.

he held his jaw and threw his head back while laughing. what the hell is he laughing about?

"you keep on amusing me. the name is ran haitani, nice to see you again." it was the man the other day. he pulled my wrist dragging me to their place as koko followed behind us.

i was now in between koko and ran, beside ran was jellyfish hair and the others were people i don't recognize.

"you're the girl from the flower shop, right? rindou haitani, remember it woman." he was glaring at me. did he get mad at me for calling him jellyfish hair? not like i care.

i stood up and when i was about to leave koko pulled my wrist making me fall onto his lap. his hands were wrapped around my waist tightly, my legs were on ran's lap, and my heels were gone because rindou removed them.

"seriously what do you want?!" i screamed at koko and he just smirked. i couldn't move an inch from this position. three men were holding onto me tightly and i'm not strong enough to fight back.

"your heels look old, want me to buy you new pairs?" rindou played with my heels while his other hand was holding my feet. they were gifted by hina this jellyfish hair!

i kicked his face making his neck produce a bone crack. he stayed silent looking down, rindou was clenching his jaw. standing up he lifted me up from koko's lap, he kicked all the liquor bottles, foods, glasses from the table and laid me down.

"who do you think you are to kick my face?!" he was fuming mad, i knew from the start that i shouldn't mess with them but he was doing too much! my body was pressed down on the table while he was on top of me pinning my hands above my head.

"do you think you can go around telling people stuff like that?! those heels were a gift my best friend!" i spat out the men around us were just watching feeling entertained.

"you can't just tell me to buy a new one just because it looks old! old or new if it's special then it's special! do you understand?! no right?! because i doubt no one cares for you! i know you throw things like they're nothing because you're rich! nothing matters if you're rich! all you care about is money!" his hair was covering his eyes so i couldn't see him. my eyes felt hot remembering how my father left me for money when i was a kid.

slowly he let me go and just stood there, koko tried to calm him down while the others were just cleaning the messed rindou made.

i sat and i started to cry covering my face, rindou knelt down and handed me a handkerchief while looking away. i pushed his hand off but he placed the handkerchief on my lap. he then started to wipe my tears off, rindou wouldn't look at me in the eye.

everyone stayed silent, i might have said something that affected rindou but i didn't like what he did too.

"this is quite interesting.." ran took a bottle of alcohol from the floor and took a sip from it.

the windows were moist, the beautiful city lights can be seen from up here, the beautiful moon was shining so bright, the room was messy from shattered liquor bottles and glasses.

i was scared but rindou's touch felt comforting.

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