chapter 12 : bonten

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after talking to ran and rin i felt relieved, it's as if i removed a heavy weigh on my chest after all these years. ran continued to be nice to me like nothing ever changed and rin said that he'll be willing to wait for me.

i came back to see the girl clinging onto sanzu, she was pressing her breast on his shoulders while pulling his arms.

sanzu didn't even look at her, he pulled his hand away from her, and she fell on the ground.

"what the fuck is your problem?" his words were loud and clear.

"sanzu, i can be your toy! leave that girl and be with me! i'm more fun to play with and besides she doesn't even seem like the type to give her body while i can give everything to you!" she's on her knees begging.

is she that desperate? i know love can make us desperate but this is a whole new level. sanzu was about to snap but i ran towards him.

"sanzu! it's fine, just let her be." i rubbed my hands on his back as he calm down.

"bitch get the fuck away from him!" she stood up and pushed me.

i fell onto the ground crashing my on the other tables. the table flipped, glasses are shattered, foods on the floor, and everything was just a mess.

i slowly stood up but my feet gave in, the shattered glasses were pressed on my skin, there were some on my hands, and i was bleeding.

"seriously?" i heard ran's voice not from afar and his eyes were cold.

"what did you do to her?" rindou approached the woman as he took out his gun.

sanzu was looking at me, his face in shock, and his body trembling. my body was filled with shattered glasses, some touching, and some inside of me.

everyone freaked out and helped me stood up. the woman started crying while looking at me.

"s-she's the one who started it! she pushed me and slap me!" she grabbed a bottle of wine and threw it across my direction and it hit the top of my head.

i hate causing trouble and what she did was unforgivable but i didn't want to make this issue bigger.

before i can even stop sanzu i was too late, she's now surrounded by ran, rindou, kakucho, koko, and sanzu. they were all pointing their gun at her head and their eyes had no soul behind them.

"who are you to even lay your foot in this building?" it was kakucho, his hand was holding a gun and it was on the side of her head.

"do you have money to pay me since you caused such a mess?" koko was crouching behind her, his gun on her cheek.

"how dare you lay your hands on my little sister?" ran said, his gun was pressed onto her ear.

"do you have a death wish?" rindou's gun was pointed at her neck.

"any last words?" sanzu's hands were shaking in anger as he pressed his gun firmly on her forehead.

"i'm s-sorry.." it was a whisper.

"kill her." and that was bontens leader.

i couldn't do anything, i hate seeing things like this and that was one of the reasons why i left before but i was too late. she's now laying on the ground, not sure if all of them shot her.

even if i wanted to stop them i couldn't, no one can disobey their leader not even sanzu. she went pass the line but it was too much.

sanzu approached me and hugged me tight as he carried me bridal style.

my skin hurts so much from all of the shattered glasses and i was bleeding.

"i'm sorry you had to see that but i can't help it. i don't even let a single scratch get on your skin and she had the guts to touch you." sanzu carried me and laid me on the couch.

"that's what they get if they mess with you." he kissed my forehead and immediately called a doctor.

while i was being treated sanzu stayed beside me, the others disposed the body of the woman. everyone said sorry but i told them that it's fine. it's still bothers me but there was no chance of disobeying their leader.

"you'll have a hard time walking since you stepped on shattered glasses. some of your wounds are deep and it may even leave scars on you." the doctor explained and my wounds were treated.

rindou gave me a glass of water as he smiled at me. sanzu was about to complain but i stopped him, he's such a baby sometimes.

"what a pain in the ass! before we killed her she could've paid me for the mess she made!" koko was fuming mad as he chugged down his drink.

"leader, why did you ordered us to kill her?" kakucho asked, i was also wondering since he wasn't really involved in the problem.

"she's special to sanzu." that was all he said, sanzu came running to their leader and started asking if he loves him.

everyone was just laughing at sanzu's actions, is he the only one that is allowed to annoy their leader? sanzu looks happy, maybe he idolizes him?

koko was just telling sanzu to shut up, kakucho just watching while shaking his head, ran laughing at them, and rindou joining sanzu.

is this really the japan's worst criminal organization also known as bonten?

this day may be kind of a mess but i realized that even if they're bad people, they still have a good heart. i'm glad to see that there are still people that care for me but then again killing was too much..

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