chapter 5 : better player

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after i made the deal with sanzu i went out and everyone was having fun. drinking, playing games with their money, music playing, and there was even a dance pole. sanzu went to the other members of bonten and i made my way to the restroom. everything looks expensive here.

i looked at my reflection in the mirror as i wash my hands, the door opened and it was rindou.

"this is the woman's bathroom." i shake my hands removing the excess of water as i dried my hands on the sides.

"we own this hotel so i basically know the way here." rindou locked the door and made his way towards me.

he pulled my shoulder facing him as he lifted me up making me sit on the sink.

"i hate how you act as if you don't know me." he was brushing my hair with his hand.

"i don't know what you're talking about." what is wrong with him? i looked away.

"remember what happened three years ago? we had something back then and you left me hanging." his body was so close and the tension was so high. i laughed and looked him in the eye.

"something? everything that happened three years ago was just a stupid game rin. we both had a deal that our relationship will just be just for fun and if one of us fell in love, the game will be over." i pushed him off and rushed to the door but he pulled me into a hug.

"i begged you to stay. i was the one who initiated to play that stupid game but in the end, i lost. i wasn't the ideal lover you wanted but i tried to change. it was hard but i forced myself and when i came back to your apartment you were gone." his hands were wrapped around me tightly.

"i chased you everywhere but i couldn't find you. i didn't have enough power to summon everyone in japan to look for you. that's why i made my way to the top and now i'm here. so please, come back to me y/n." i gritted my teeth as i clenched my fist.

"come back to you? when you saw me at the flower shop you act as if i'm a stranger." his right hand held my wrist and the other was caressing my cheek.

"i needed to act like that because sanzu was with us. sanzu is bontens number two and you also acted the same way so we're quits right?" tears were starting to fall on my cheeks.

i was the one who fell in love first at rin but i never told him. i was afraid that he might leave me  but when he said that he lost the game and was in love with me. i was speechless, rin was involved with dangerous stuff back then and i was afraid that he might ruin the future that i've been preparing.

people may call me coward but i worked so hard to where i was back then. i won't let my stupid feelings get in the way that's why i chose to run away. i went in a place where rin's power can't reach me and i started my life there again.

my heart still beats for him, seeing him makes me happy, and being able to talk to him makes me relieved that he's okay but that's all. maybe i still like him but that's all.

that's all..

my future was about to get ruined three years ago when i joined ran's and rin's plans. we were a trio, ran knew about the game, and we both ruled roppongi together back then. unlike the two, i always hid my face, i was the strategic planner of the group, making gossips to create a fight, and everything you might think.

i never hurt a person since i prefer watching but when i witnessed someone die in a fight. that was when i realized it was ruining my future. i only accepted rin's proposal because i was in love with him, i thought that if i reject his offer he might throw me away and leave me.

i chose to leave and i don't regret it.

that was the secret i never told anyone, i'll keep it forever in me, it was a past i regret so much. no matter what happens i won't let anyone know it. not even rin, not even sanzu.

"did sanzu made a contract with you?" rin was still holding my hands.

"and if he did? what will you do? rin, stay out of my business." the stupid game is over, it ended three years ago. this time it's with sanzu and i'm sure i won't let myself lose again.

i'm not ruining myself for another man.

"y/n, play with me again and this time i'll make sure that the both of us will lose." rin went towards the door, i guess he's leaving now.

"think about it, break that contract with sanzu and make a deal with me." after saying those words, rin immediately left.

wiping my tears off and washing my hands again i left the bathroom and saw sanzu leave the room beside the restroom.

"that was one hell of a conversation don't you think?" he leaned at the wall beside me.

"you heard everything?" this is bad.

"don't worry, i'll keep that little secret of yours." slowly he pulled me close to his body as he leaned his face close to mine.

"drop that little boy and play with me. i can assure you that i'm the better player."

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