chapter 14 : end this game

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gasping for air as i opened my eyes, why am i in a hospital? sanzu was beside me sleeping. was everything just a dream? sanzu was still wearing the outfit he had on the party.

"sanzu?" i moved sanzu's shoulders and he woke up. he's blushing and couldn't look at me in the eye. is he not asleep?

"what's wrong? do you have a fever?" reaching for his forehead he held my wrist.

"what a nice dream you have, y/n." sanzu said, i recalled my dream and it hit me like truck. i had a wet dream with sanzu!

i took back my hand covered my face. that was such a long dream and it felt so real! sanzu handed me a glass of water and i took it. taking a sip from it still avoiding his gaze.

"the dream felt so real.." i sighed and laid on the bed. my wounds are wrapped up in gauze bandage rolls.

the wounds were deep and won't stop from bleeding. they have to take out some shattered glasses in my skin since some went inside because of the push of that girl.

"i'm glad you're okay, blood was leaking out nonstop." sanzu took my hands and brought them to his lips.

his clothes were stained in blood too. he needs to change and rest because he looks really tired.

"sanzu, i'm fine you should go home and rest-" i was cut off by sanzu standing up.

"do you know how worried i was?! the floor was full of blood and i don't even know if i can touch you because i was so afraid i'll make things worst!" his eyes were red now that i can look at him properly.

"i'm sorry." i hate making people worry about me and what's happening now makes my heart ache.

"why are you saying sorry? it's not your fault." sanzu pulled me in for a hug. i'll be lying if i said i was fine, being hit by a bottle and getting hurt is not fine.

the door opened, it was ran and kakucho with a doctor. ran came up to me and hugged me tight.

"i'm glad you're awake, it's been two days and we thought you weren't going to wake up." ran caressed my hair and rubbed my back.

"you were asleep for two days but it's good to see that you're now awake. i'm your personal doctor, i'll only be the one checking on you." the doctor said as he checked my wounds.

two days? does that mean sanzu hasn't left my side? i looked at sanzu and he's talking with kakucho.

"go home! you smell." kakucho moved away from sanzu and gave me a bouquet of flowers.

"for you, i hope you'll get better soon." i accepted his flowers and thanked him.

"rindou and koko can't come but they both wanted to visit you." ran as he sat on my bed, sanzu pushed him off and took his place.

"sanzu, go home, get some rest, and don't worry i'll be fine." before the doctor left he said i can come tomorrow morning.

"i'll just ask for someone to get me some clothes." the hospital room was big, as expected of sanzu.

the both of us argue until sanzu gave up and went home. ran stayed with me and accompanied me until nine pm.

"y/n, is it okay if i leave you for twenty minutes? i need to go down and get something from my assistant." he never changed, despite doing bad things he really cares for others.

"go ahead, i'll be fine and besides i'm a grown up now." i smiled at ran.

ten minutes had passed by when ran went down. right, i'll be involved in dangerous situations because not only i'm sanzu's woman, i also have some connections with some bonten members.

a nurse went in and checked my wounds. she told me that i need to get injected and i let her be. she was really quiet and kind of suspicious but still i have this uneasy feeling on me.

my head hurts, i started to get dizzy and it was only then i remember that the doctor never mentioned about a nurse coming to check me in.

even if i was having a hard time walking, i went down the stairs and the moment i was about to fall ran was there to catch me.

being with them will always involve me in dangerous situations but i don't want to risk my life because of something stupid. should i end this game?

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