chapter 2 : the invitation

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yesterday, i ended up cleaning the mess that happened from the flowers, shattered vases, and the tables. i closed the shop the entire day and stayed in my room.

i still can't process what happened.

i was close to killing a human, i held a gun, and got surrounded by dangerous people. the police came and investigated the flower shop. they told me that they will need to close it for a month or two.

i sighed and dipped my head in the bathtub, no work huh? good thing i saved up money or maybe i can work in a cafe that my friend owns. the investigation will take longer since the cops couldn't find any clues. they did an amazing job not leaving any traces behind even though the gun was there, it was useless in their investigation.

i still remembered the man yesterday. how he looks like, his voice, his scent, everything about him.. a good thing i didn't tell him my name, or else he could've tracked me down.

i covered my face with my hands then played some lofi music. i might need to visit my friend's cafe and ask her if i could work there for a while. i stood up, drained the bathtub, and i started getting ready.

it was windy today so i decided to wear a beige long turtleneck, partnered with a brown skirt, and velvet knee-high heels. tied my hair in a ponytail, did light makeup, got my bag then left.

i took a taxi since it'll take me 30 mins to go there and besides i didn't wanna hurt my feet with these heels.

the cafe had this light academia vibes, the smell of coffee and bread lingered in the shop, soft music was played, and the shop just felt soothing.

"y/n!" i saw my friend running towards me and i gave her a hug.

"i didn't expect to see you here! are you okay? i hear what happened yesterday!" she hugged me so tight and i couldn't help but laugh.

"i'm fine, sorry for coming without telling you." we both sat at the corner of the shop and she served me coffee and a piece of cake.

"you're welcome anytime! you can come here every day if you want and besides, we've been quite busy nowadays.

"yesterday, the police told me that it'll take about a month for the investigation since they're having a hard time. i still have the extra money in me but i didn't want to waste a month not doing anything. if it's okay, can i help in your shop? even as a part-time job. i just really need it for now, for me to at least survive." i let out a nervous laugh but she hugged me from behind caressing my hair.

"of course you can! i'll always be here when you need me." i held her hand and kissed it. i'm thankful because i have someone like her in my life.

years ago, i preferred being alone and i always thought having friends was useless. i spent my middle school days by myself. going to school alone, having lunch alone, and leaving school alone. not until she came i realized that even if it's okay to be alone, sometimes having someone by your side isn't bad at all.

i told her about the pink-haired man yesterday and all the things that happened. sanzu was his name, right?

"is he attractive?" she was wiggling her eyebrows and i couldn't help but flick her forehead but in the end, i nodded. well, i can't deny that the man was attractive.

she let out a squeal and jumped around knocking the chair behind her. the customers were looking now at us and i covered my face with the newspaper beside me.

"you were already in danger but you still thought that he was handsome?! you are such a sucker for good-looking people!" she pinched my cheeks and laughed.

"looks don't matter to me but i can't deny that he's good-looking. besides, shouldn't you be worried about me? here you are asking if he was attractive." i scoffed and crossed my arms facing away.

"this might be your chance marrying a mafia boss or maybe he's a leader of a gang and he's filthy rich right?! might as well live that fairytale life swimming in money because if i were you i would go for it!" she was holding her face while her eyes were closed.

"i wouldn't be surprised if one day you'll trade me for money but i'm sure you wouldn't do that." right now she was avoiding my gaze. wait, don't tell me?!

"are you seriously going to trade me for money?!" i pinched her cheeks and she just keeps on looking away.

"look at me hina!" she was pouting now and was looking at the ground but then she hugged me. she's playing jokes with me again since i heard her laugh.

i'm glad she's happy, having a cafe, also engaged with takemichi. happiness is something i wished for her to have ever since we were kids.

we talked for an hour again reminiscing our childhood memories and just teasing each other around.

it's good to meet up with your friends once in a while and just have a talk. she told me i can start working this saturday after that we both said our goodbyes and i decided to go shopping.

i went inside chanel to just look around because i didn't have that much money. i stared at the clothes and they were beautiful. i wanted to buy a dress but i still have other priorities.

someone came up to me and asked me my opinion on the dress. i told them that it was beautiful then asked if i wanted to buy it but i told them i don't really need it for now. i prefer buying my needs before my wants.

stepping out of the shop someone held my arm and gave me a huge paper bag of chanel. they told me that it was for me but i refused it. i couldn't accept such a huge gift but they keep on forcing me. i ended up accepting the gift then went home.

took a quick shower, dried my hair, and sat on my bed staring at the paper bag. took out what's inside the box, unwrapped it, and there it was the dress that caught my eye. giving someone a gift like this just because they told you it was beautiful isn't it too much?

i tried it on and it was in the right size. my eyes were shining, it was my first time wearing such an expensive dress! i buy expensive stuff but it won't go to the point that i'll waste my money on a piece of clothing.

i picked up the paper bag then a note fell from the floor. it look like there's a message on it? i flipped it around and i was right.

"caught you staring at the dress and i thought it would look good on you. accept this gift as a sign of thank you for catching my eyes." below there was a name, KH it said. i don't know who that it but thank you. i looked at the paper bag and there was an envelope.

bonten was written in front of it in gold letterings, i opened it and it was an invitation letter. a party? the event will take place at the most expensive hotel in all of japan and it will be on the highest floor. saturday at nine o'clock, go or we will kill you is what it said.

i sighed and stared at the invitation. i don't have a choice but to go or else i'll be killed. does this have something to do with what happened yesterday? if so, what do you want? i kept quiet and didn't tell the police your name. so please, leave me alone sanzu haruchiyo.

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