chapter 7 : beautiful scars

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sanzu told me that he'll take me shopping today, i'm guessing he took a day off? he bought me a lot of clothes last night but i didn't even notice it since i was in deep sleep. i played with the bubbles and took my time in the bathroom.

as expected the clothes and shoes that he bought for me are expensive. i'm just going to the mall so i don't need to dress but sanzu might want me to dress up.

sanzu came out of his walk-in closet, his hair was tied up while he covered his scars with a mask. he's wearing such an expensive outfit, is he going to a party or what?

"having a hard time choosing?" he went beside me and eyed the clothes on the bed.

"yeah, i don't know what to wear, and is it safe for you to come out? like go in public places?" sanzu picked an outfit for me and it was just a long white silk dress.

"you don't have to wear clothes that might make you feel uncomfortable. as for your question, it's safe so don't worry."

after our short conversation i started getting ready, sanzu was patiently waiting for me outside. i don't need new clothes but who am i to refuse? he told me we'll go shopping and he'll buy me everything i want.

"you look like an angel." sanzu offered his hand and i just went with it. there were people outside and i'm guessing they're like bodyguards? surely sanzu doesn't need them.

"these are the men that i hired to protect you. i'll be busy from time to time and won't be able to be by your side but these men will assure your safety." all of the men bowed to me and i felt uneasy.

working with ran and rindou back then wasn't like this since i always hid in the shadows. wait, why am i recalling the past? i should just focus on sanzu right now.

"you don't have to, i can protect myself." i don't like being watched since i feel like my privacy is being taken away from me.

"you don't have to worry, they will be hiding in the shadows and i just want to make sure that you're always safe." i'm happy that he cares but i hope he realizes that he doesn't need to go this far since all of this is just a game.

we went to the most popular mall in japan and i felt like a kid while shopping. sanzu was like a mother forcing her child to wear the clothes that he's picking. i got tired from changing clothes again and again while sanzu was enjoying it.

our next stop at shopping is at a makeup shop and again sanzu dragged me in there. people started looking at us since there were ten men carrying all the paper bags and boxes that sanzu bought for me.

"sanzu, let's stop after this okay? do you even realize that you're wasting your money?" i took out some lipsticks and began to swatch them on my wrist until i rant out of space.

"i don't mind spoiling you." i know he's smiling under the mask and i'm glad that he's enjoying our time together. it's as if we're like a real couple at this point.

"here, you can use my arm y/n." that was unexpected, i started swatching some lipsticks on his arm and he even picks the lipsticks he wanted me to wear.

i can't help but laugh since his arms are now full of lipstick swatches and he's getting embarrassed since the sales ladies started complimenting on how good of a boyfriend he is.

before we end the night we decided to have dinner, he reserved the whole floor and his excuse was he hates distractions.

the wind was cold tonight as the city below us shined with different colors. sanzu took off his coat and placed it in my shoulders.

"how romantic." i teased him, looking at sanzu i noticed he removed his mask already.

"why did you wear a mask today?" i asked out of curiosity, sanzu leaned at the wall beside him.

"kind of insecure, i guess?" his voice was different, looking at the beautiful night sky i saw how the stars reflected in his eyes.

my hand moved on its own and is now caressing sanzu's cheek. he's tall, handsome, rich, and everything you can describe for a perfect man.

but right now as we both stared at each other's eyes, he looks lost. in those beautiful blue eyes behind them was emptiness, that smile of his was sometimes forced, and those scars..

"i-i love your scars.." my voice is trembling, why did i say that?

"do you think they're beautiful?" sanzu's hand went to touch mine as he guided them to his lips.

"hm-mm.. i don't know the story behind them but when i first saw them i think they're beautiful.." all i hear is the sound of my heart beating.

"your scars are beautiful to me." i smiled at him, tracing my fingers to his scars as sanzu slowly pulled me close to him. his eyes were soft, his long eyelashes flowing with the wind, and his warmth on me.

sanzu's hair was untied the wind blowing it, the comforting scent was flowing around us, the sound of our hearts beating, and lastly his lips on mine.

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