chapter 21 : bonten and i

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i took deep breaths as someone assisted me to where sanzu will get beheaded. if i were to be honest, i'm scared and nervous but if it's sanzu that we're talking about then i'm confident.

"if it's okay to ask, what's your relationship with sanzu haruchiyo?" the man beside me asked.

"he's my enermy." a small smile was formed on my lips as i remembered the first time we met.

everyone is in place and i need to do my job. i'm not confident with my acting skills but i have a fucked up plan in my head. we entered a huge room, it was dark and some people were preparing the materials.

my heart was beating fast as i imagine sanzu getting beheaded. there was only one chair and that was for me, it's kind of awkward and mean to watch someone die.

sanzu was pushed on the entrance door, his hands were tied up behind him. i smirked knowing the fact that sanzu can break those within seconds but he chooses to stay stubborn.

he knees on the floor, sanzu was shirtless, his hair wasn't tied up today, and he still looks hot. sanzu looked at me, a smirk forming on his lips as he playfully winked at me.

they covered his head with something as someone positioned behind him. they were holding a sharp long sword as the man positioned himself. slowly walking towards them, the man stopped and looked at me.

"may i take the honor of killing sanzu haruchiyo?" i held out my hands as he gladly gave me the sword. they really believed me when i said i'm his enemy huh. well, they probably think that i'm getting my revenge.

"why not stand in front of sanzu haruchiyo? i will perform a show that you'll never forget." i winked at them, they were all fooled once again with my looks.

the only people in this execution room is five men, sanzu, and me. all of them formed a line facing sanzu and smirking down at him.

sanzu stayed quiet, i went my way behind sanzu, heels clicking on the ground, and my eyes instantly caught the tattoo rindou was talking about. a gun and a rose, it was true? i thought rindou was lying.

"see you on the other side!" i shouted, my voice echoing in the huge room.

i positioned myself lifting the sharp sword as i swayed it at the five men in front of me. blood splattered all over the place, all over my body, and all over sanzu as i successfully slashed the heads of these people.

their body collapsed on the ground and their heads rolling on the floor. i heard sanzu chuckled below, i hugged him from the back as i started giving him kisses on the neck.

"did i do a good job?" placing the sword on his neck as i playfully glided the sharp part on his adams apple. i removed the cover sanzu have on his head, he knew from the start that he was gonna be saved.

"you did an amazing job, that was definitely a show that i'll never forget." sanzu broke the rope, i stared at his back muscles and veins as he did it.

he turned around and crashed his lips on mine. it was a long kiss, it was the first time we did it. sanzu hugged me tight never wanting to let go. we both stayed at that position taking each other's warmth that we haven't felt for years.

i really belong in his arms, the way his arms perfectly wrapped me in his embrace. tears formed in my eyes, i missed him, the warmth in his body.. i missed it.

"before we even started that game i already lost. i love you before you knew me, before you knew my name, and before we signed that contract. i love you years before and i still love you years after."

once again sanzu kissed my lips and this time it was a passionate kiss. a kiss that we never shared before, he still makes me feel butterflies in my stomach just like back then.

"you knew that we were going to save you but you pretend that you didn't!" i playfully punched him and he laughed.

"actually, it was all part of my plan." he clapped his hands and everyone in bonten came out.

"that was a wonderful show!" they were all smirking as they walked towards us. clapping their hands and praising me non stop.

"should we start collecting heads?" koko suggested as he lifted up one of the heads that i cut off.

"good idea, let's get a room and display them." rindou chuckled, ran was behind him slightly pushing the bodies by his feet.

kakucho was with mikey while smiling at us, the mission was a success but i think they're hiding something from me.

"mind telling me what your plan is?" i glared at sanzu, is he fooling me now?

"well, i did surrendered to the police but when they told me they'll save me i refused because i wanted you to be the one to help me. i feel like a princess now getting saved by her prince." i pulled his hair back making him scream that it hurts as everyone laughed at us.

i don't really now the full story but sanzu might explain it later. i stood up and wiped the blood off my skin, i even prepared my outfit for today. i was wearing a black long dress that had a slit on it. it was backless and underneath the dress there was a gun hanging on my thigh as back up.

everyone started whistling and shouting turn around. i furrowed my eyebrows not understanding what they mean. sanzu wasn't following me behind and as i turned around i couldn't believe what i saw.

sanzu was kneeling in front of me, holding a box of three rings from smallest to biggest. i covered my mouth and fell on my knees.

"to the woman who's been with me through happiness, sadness, craziness, and stupidness. i want you to know how much i love you for all these years. years that we didn't knew each other, years we were together, and years that we were separated. i spent half my life loving you and i want to continue it until my next life. i'll save up my words on our wedding day because i can't wait anymore." sanzu smiled at me, he pulled me close to him showing me the rings.

"the first ring was when i met you for the first time i remember skipping meals to save up money for it, the second ring was when we got together in that contract, and the last ring is for this day." he kissed the back of my palm.

"y/n, will you marry me?" his eyes were filled with emotions and tears. i couldn't say it out loud but i immediately jumped in his embrace.

"yes! i do!" crying in his arms as everyone in bonten cheered for us.

koko was throwing money at us, ran whistling as he took a picture, kakucho smiling together with mikey, and rindou smiling genuinely at me.

sanzu slid the rings on me while his hands were shaking. tears were falling from his eyes as i kissed them. we both kissed once again under the pile of dead bodies and blood on the floor.

all of us head out, police were coming after us, and we were all running down the halls. everyone in bonten was holding a gun shooting the police from here and there, and sanzu held my hands as he twirled me around like a princess.

a day that i will never forget and a engagement that i didn't expected. my life sure is a mess but i loved every second of it. i met knew people, experienced fucked up things, and fell in love again.

our laughter filled the place, our shoes making loud noises, bullets flying everywhere, blood on the walls, dead bodies on the floor, bonten members running around like kids, and my husband carrying me bridal style as we jumped out the windows before the building exploded.

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