Confrontation with a quite bad end - Part 1

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He gave me a fake smile, looking right in my eyes and I noticed that his eyes were red. This is not a good sign. Actually, this is a really bad sign. His eyes were completely red just when he was about to kill somebody. Or when he just killed. Hope it was the second opption because in other case this won't be good.

 ''Daughter,'' he said with his cold voice that made me shiver. I couldn't talk or move, I was frozen and I couldn't think well. The presence of my father confused me. What was he doing here? How he knew that I was in Dumbledore's office and not in the middle of a lesson?

And then I rembered: our connection. The connection between father and daughter. I remeber that in the past we usually spoke towards this connection.

I faced my father. His pale skin was even more pale and his red eyes were full of hate and really evil-looking. ''Father,'' I said again, now trying to sound more respectfull. ''What brought you here?'' I asked him, avoiding the question looks of my friends around me. Father did another step towards our circle and I squeezed a bit more my dark blue ball of light in my hands, praying all Gods that the others in the circle won't get distract. We must keep the connection with our Elements, no metter what happen.

''Interesting question, daughter. And the answer is as simple as the question: you. You and your filthy friends brought me in here.'' Father's voice was even more cold and sinister than before and with the corner of my eye I noticed that my twin winced, looking at the floor. ''M-Me?'' I asked, trying to sound confident and calm but deep inside my blood was quickly running towards my veins. Father was now just some inches away from Diggory who was shaking as a fool because of the fear. ''Yes. You. And your twin.'' He nodded to my twin who just winced. ''My son. It's nice to see you, Caspar Riddle. You have your mother's eyes,'' he said and I stared at him. This weren't the thing I expected him to say and everybody looked shocked too. Morrison winced again. ''Look to me when I'm talking to you!'' father suddenly shouted with a terrific voice to my twin who shivered. He quickly looked up to face my father. He was so scared that it was almost funny. ''Say: nice to meet you, father. Say it! Imperio!'' father yelled, his wand pointed to my twin who cryed out an 'nice to meet you, father'. Ok, that's enough!

''LET HIM GO!'' I yelled and I could feel the power raising in me. The others in the Cicrle winced, staring at me. Father turned, his red eyes even more rad. Morrison was still a bit sedated because of the powerful Curse. ''I said: let him go. Nobody will use a curse on my twin brother, not even you!'' My voice was super loud and super powerful and also I was a bit scared of it. Father just stared at me, his smile of the maniac raising on his strange lips. ''I like seeing you upset, little silly girl. You look so much like your mother,'' he said. This words confused me. Was he really in love wtih Lily? Or it was just one of his games? I didn't have time to think about this because the moment later he yelled 'Crucio!' to my twin who started screaming. I winced. The anger was about to expload in me. I knew how it was to be cursed, I felt it on my skin because father cursed me many times and I won't let him do the same with my twin. Not now, not ever.

I looked to my friends who were terrified and scared. ''Come on guys. It's our time!'' Raveenna looked at me and I nodded at her. I raised my hands where I was squeezing my ball of light and I barely heard Dumbledore who shouted 'don't!'. But his words won't stop me.

''Father, you will regrat this day. You really will. I don't care if you're my father but I can promise you that I'll fucking destroy you if you'll ever again hurt somebody I love.'' He glanced at me, mockingly. ''You can't love, silly girl. We can't love,'' he said. I gave him a look, fool of pity. ''No. You can't love. But I can. I do. I love my friends, all of them, I love Fred - yes Father, Fred Weasly!'' I said when his eyes got red because of anger and disgust. ''You filthy traitor!'' he yelled, moving his wand away from my twin who was screaming until now and who fell on his knees, breathless. My father's wand stopped on me. I smiled mockingly.

''Will you curse me because I said that I love a 'blood traitor'? Will you curse your own daughter? Will you, silly man? I feel so sorry for you. You'll never understand what love is, you'll never feel how is, to be loved. I feel so, so sorr-''

''AVADA KEDAVRA!'' father yelled, angrily and the last thing I saw before everything went black was a green light and a colorful light which both hit me right in my chest.

And then, terrifying blackness.


Ok, ok, you don't have to say anything, I know everything. I didn't upload for ages and this chapter suck. Sorry, sorry, sorry but I'm so freaking busy with freaking school!! I'll curse all teachers and this whore who invent the school. Sorry, I just had to say this O:)

Anyway, guys, seriosuly thanks! 1,172 reads, I love you, you foolish, awazing Potterheads. Thank you all!!! :D :D :D I'll try to write a longer part tomorrow and until Friday I promise you a really loooong part, just don't hate me :)

Oh, and I already know how to finish this book. Aaaand, maybe, if you'll continue to be that awesome, I'll write a sequel. Just MAYBE. So, hear you around, awazing creatures!

COMMENT!!! (puppy dog eyes-I really want to know what you think of this book!)

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Lots of Love <3


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