Making new friends

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Ola me amigos! I don't have a lot of time so this chapter will be shorter but I promise, tomorrow I'll try to write a longer one (: Enjoy it!



When me and Pans entered the class Proffesor Moody wasn't there yet so our class mates were laughing and talking and, yes, making a lot of noise. When Pansy opened the door I said to her: ''See ya after the lession.'' She looked at me surprise because she tought that we'll sit together. NOT. I waved at her. Then I marched towards the Gryffindors. The whole class fell in silence when I sat between Hermione and Ron. ''Heyow!'' I greet them with a smile on my lips. The funny and strange thing was that the smile wasn't fake at all. Ron looked at me with a surprised look. '' you need something?'' he asked sounding just like Hermione this morning. I shooked my head still smiling. I think I'll strached my facial muscles if I'm goingo to smile for the rest of the day. But...smiling is so awesome, seriously! I smiled at Ron. ''Nop. Why are you all staring at me as if I was a Death Eater?'' What a irony, I AM a Death Eater, but you three don't need to know this, I thought. Harry next to Ron murmured something. Hermione took a deep breath. ''Maybe because the first few days you were...'' she interrupted herself. ''I was an evil bitch?'' I helped her. The whole class looked at me, including my friends from Slytherin. Draco winked me and I tryed not to laughed. ''Yeah, I know, I was kinda stupid,'' I said to them. Then I did something I thought I'd never do. And the most horrible thing was that it came spontaneously!

I offered my hand to Hermione. Ron, Harry and Hermione looked at me completly in shock. I smiled at them, feeling so not me but happy at the same time.

For God's sake, what's going on with me? Why am I that kind?! It''s disgusting! Ramona, put your hand away!


I didn't do this.

''C'mon, Granger!'' I said to Hermione, trying to encourage her. Ron looked at her as he would say to her 'don't do this, she's evil!'. Is he right? Sincerly I don't know. I don't know anymore who I am. Or WHAT I am. I'm a stranger. Known stranger. I'm really insane. And I'm proud of it!

Then Hermione's hand shooked mine. ''I think everyone deserves a second chance,'' she said, kindly with a warm smile on her lips. Ron was looking at her with his mouth opened. ''Oh, come on Ronald, close your mouth!'' Hermione said to Ron, rolling her brown eyes. Ron closed his mouth, turning to me. His eyes were full of distrust but then he smiled at me. ''Welcome in our group, Ramona,'' he said, patting my shoulder. I smiled with a totaly happy smile. ''All I can say is that your group will be even more awesome than it was cuz I'm joing it and, hope you know it, I'm the most awesome person in this world!'' I said, laughing. They all looked at me surprised. I laughed even more. ''Oh, come on! I'm a normal teenager, just like you! Well, I'm not normal, I'm a weird-ass but I'm also completly A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Ask Pans, she's my best friend!'' I blabbed. Pansy looked at me from the other side of the classroom. ''Are you serious, Ram?'' she asked me, with happines in her eyes. I nodded. ''Yep! You, Crabbey, Goyley and Draco are my best friends!'' I said, proud of myself. OMG, I have four best friends.

Then I realised that I can not have friends. Because I can not love. What a life! That'se me, Ramona Laufeia Riddle, the weirdest girl in the universe. Crap, my life really sucks!

Hermione looked at me. Now she was the one with her mouth opened. ''You just said that those...idiots are your best...friends?'' she said incredulity. I turned at her. ''They are not idiots! You hate them just because they are Slytherins but they are almost as cool as I am,'' I said, proud of my coolness. Ron stared at me. ''Don't you think that you are praising too much?'' he asked carefully. I laughed. ''Nop,'' I answerd, flipping my hair and feeling like a boss. Hermione rolled her eyes. Then he spoke.

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