Ramona Riddle

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Hello guys!!! This is my first book in English so I'm sorry for all spelling errors (: Now i'll post the first chapter and tomorrow the second (hope so). So, wish you'll enjoy the story! :)


"Please, don't kill me," he said, looking at me, scared. I smiled at him and I keep walking around his tired body. He was bleeding and I knew that he was becoming weaker. It couldn't be differently because I used on him the Cruciartis Course. "It's too late, old man," I said softly, grabbing my wand. I stepped closer to him and watched with pleasure his fear. ''You-you don't want to become a killer, little girl. You're just a kid. Please, take away your wand and leave me alive!'' he said. I felt the anger, rising in me. ''Shut up, you stinking mud-blood! You don't know me! You have no idea who I am!'' I shouted at him, angrly. He looked at me more scared then ever. ''Your...your eyes have become red. Who are you? WHAT are you?!'' He was screaming, terrified. ''Crucio!'' I yalled at him. A few seconds later he was screaming in agony. ''Pleas, stop it! Stop it!'' I smiled with an evil smile. ''You wish, stupid man,'' I said mockingly. Then I put my wand away. ''Who are you? Why your eyes become red when you're angry?'' he gasped. I came even closer to him. ''Stand up and I'll tell you,'' I said, sharply. He looked at me, scared. ''I-I can't,'' he murmured, tired. ''I said, stand up! Imperio!'' I said and put my wand at him. He stands up, screaming: ''Let me go! Let my body go! Tell me, who are you, you horrible girl!'' I looked at him a bit angry. ''How dare you call me horrible girl?! Crucio!'' I yelled again. I love listening to his screams becoming weaker and weaker. Then he fall down. ''You can't be a normal wich...you can't,'' I heard him murmured. I smiled. ''You're right. I'm not an ordinary witch, you idiot!'' I said, evilly. He looked at me with a strange look. Than he screamed. ''You can't be his. It's impossible!'' I laughted. ''Nothing is impossible,'' I said, as I was having fun. His look hes become even more scared. Then I said, smiling evilly. ''Yes, old, stupid muggle, I'm HIS. I'm Lord Voldemort's daughter!'' My vocie was strong and loud. The old man screamed. I think I've got enought of his pathetic screaming. Finish him! an evil voice inside my haid said. ''AVADA KEDAVRA!'' I yelled. A flash of green light and the old man was dead.



''Have you seen this?!'' a cold voice beside me said, putting something on the tabel. I ignored the voice so I keep reading the book about Dark Magic. ''Don't try to ignore me, you stupid litlle girl!'' the voice said angrilly. With a sigh, I looked up at Bellatrix who was staring at me with eyes, full of hate. ''If I have seen what, exactly?'' I asked her, annoyed. She looked at me with and icy stare and than she said, coldly: ''If you have seen THIS!'' She pointed to the newspaper infont of me. I looked at it, disinterested. She was showing me a copy of today's 'Daily Prophet'. I looked to the cover, ingoring completly Bellatrix who was staring at me, angrilly. 'Flancy Berbau killed by an anonymous wizard'. I read the title and then I turned to Bellatrix. ''And? Why should I care about a mudblood's death?'' I asked her, pretending to hear about it the first time. Bellatrix looked at me, hostile. ''Don't play stupid with me, Ramona. I know that it was you!'' she said to me. I looked at her, annoyed. ''Bella, you're such an idiot. How could it be me if I was at home yesterday?'' I asked her, pretending to bi surprised. She electrocute me with a look but I ingored it. ''I know it was you! And I'll tell your father!'' she shouted at me, angrily. I laughed. ''Sure, and he'll believe you, Bella?'' I asked, smiling at her. Now she was looking upset and that made me smile a little more. ''You'll pay for that, bitch!'' she yelled at me. I laughed, saying: ''Bitch? Did you call me bitch? Oh, c'mon, you're not serious, Bella! We all know that you're the bitch so please, keep your mouth close. Did you understand this? Or may I help you?'' I was having fun like never before. ''Imperio!'' I said and Bellatrix stopped talking. She was furious, I knew that and it makes me laugh even more. But then, someone yelled: ''Expelliarmus!'' and my wand flew from my hand and Bellatrix shouted: ''You are in big troubles, little piece of dragons shit!'' Now, I wasn't having fun. I turned to se who was the idiot who disamred me. ''What were you doing, Ramona?!'' Lucius Malfoy yelled at me, angrily. I looked at him. I was angry like never before. He we'll pay for doing this to me. ''Not you bussines, Malfoy!'' I yelled back to him. ''Don't speak to me like this, Ramona!'' he said, strictly. I electrocute his eyes and he stapped back a bit scared. I know why. My eyes get red. ''Calm down, Ramona. I-I didn't want to disarm you. It comes spontaneous,'' he said, scared. I smiled at him, firendly. ''Of course you did'nt want to disarm me. You just wanted to protect Bellatrix. And now, give me my wand, Lucius,'' I said a bit calmer. Luscius gave me my wand and then he stapped back. ''I think we all have to calm down,'' he said, putting away his wand. I didn't do this. Bellatrix didn't do this either. We were keep staring at each other. ''I think you shuold leave, Bellatrix,'' I said, coldly. She looked at me with her black eyes, full of anger. ''I think so too,'' she replied, cold. Then she turned and disapeared. I took a deep breath to calm down. I knew that my eyes were keep glowing red so I did another deep breath. ''Are you OK, Ramona?'' Lucius asked me. I didn't looked at him when I replied. ''Why should you care, Lucius?'' I heard him take a deep breath too. ''Because you're my Lord's daughter,'' he said, softly. I laughed. ''Yes I am, but this isn't the reasion why  you should care about me,'' I replied, smiling evilly. With and evil smile on my lips i walked away and left Lucius there alone and confused.

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now