Playing with fire - Part 2

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Days were passing slowly but for me still too fast. I wanted this week to be the best week in my whole life. Why? Because in the next week we'll be probably dead. So I wanted this to be a week I could remeber with pleasure. I was in my room nearly whole the time, talking with Morrison or Barty Jr. And with Raveenna, Fred and Laurel.

Yup, you heard - ops, you read correctly. My friends (or I'd better say my friend, my enemy and my boyfriend) decided to stay at the Manor with me and I couldn't say no to them. It was risky but I didn't mind. So yes, we were all together, enjoying the last week of our lives. And also Draco came home for the holidays so I really wasn't alone, althought I tryed to avoid him. Don't ask me why.

''What are you doing?'' Raveenna's soft, shy voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked up from the notebook infront of me. My red eyes caught hers and I smiled against my will. I don't know why but everytime I looked at her I smiled.

''Oh, nothing. Just doing a list,'' I addmited shyly, giving another happy smile to my best friend. Raveenna looked at the notebook, curiously, sitting down on my bed next to me. I was looking at her while she leanded over my old notebook, her chocolate brown hair covering her eyes. She leanded her chin on her hands, smiling at the notebook. She was looking so innocent and sweet that my heart hurt if I thought that the next week this girl will be probably motionless buried feets under the cold grownd.

Now she smiled, looking up at me. ''That's cool. I like it,'' she said, nodding at the notebook and I blushed a bit, shrugging. ''Well, I thought that it's a good idea, doing this, considering the fact that...'' I shuted up meaninfull and Raveenna sighed, sadly. ''I know. It's sad, right? Knowing that our lives will end in this way. Althought I'm happy that I'll end my life with helping the world.'' She paused, her brown eyes looking out of the window at the rainy sky outsied. ''Ram, do you  think that we really don't have any chance? Do you really think that?'' she asked in a whisper, turning back to me, her eyes examinating my face, my eyes. I was silent, staring at her. Then I sighed. ''I don't know. Hope is still here and teoretically we can survive but...'' I made another meaningful silence and she nodded, sighing.

Then she pointed my notebook. ''When you'll do all of this? For example this.'' With her pale finger, she pointed the line I wrote on the paper and I looked curiously at it, reading it:

3. Have sex with Fred at midnight.

I blushed, covering the line with my hands and Raveenna chuckled, poking me. ''Come on Ram. You don't have to be embarrassed,'' she said, trying to sound serious but her voice was amused. I blushed even more. ''You weren't supposed to read this,'' I mumbled with my cheeks burning. She just chuckled.

''And what about this?'' Now her voice was serious and so were her eyes. I looked at another line.

16. Tell Father that you love him.

I sighed. ''When I'll be dying,'' I answered simply, closing the notebook with another sigh. Raveenna opened her pink mouth to say something but right in this moment I heard a knock on my door. I jumped up. ''Who's there?'' I called.

''It's me.''

I froze, turning at Raveenna. She was pale, her eyes opened and worried. ''Hide!'' I hissed at her as silent as I could. She gave a panic look around my room. ''Where?! And as if I could hide from him,'' she said, pointing with her chin the door. I sighed, knowing that she was completely right. ''Worth trying!'' I said. Then I pointed the bed. ''Under the bed! Quickly!'' I hissed again and Raveenna immediately hide. ''I'll make myself invisible, I know the spell!'' she murmured when she was already under the bed. I just nodded, praying that Father won't find her.

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