Hope? Is there such a thing as hope?

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Raveenna's POV

''Yes, I do realize we just woke you up- no, nothing concrete has happened yet- yes, I do realize- I- Can you please let me speak for a second?''' 

I didn't intend to snap. I was under quite a lot of stress and trying to convince a semi-asleep Cedric to bring his ass to the Headmaster's Office as soon as possible at three in the morning wasn't really the easiest task I was assigned in the last...forty-five minutes, I'd say?

Cedric growled and turned around in his bed. That bastard even tried to cover his head with the sheet while murmuring something that sounded a lot like 'let me sleep, you evil brainy-troll'. Which was a very complex insult to come up with while basically half asleep. 

Rolling my eyes at him, I pulled the blanket away, grabbing my wand with my free hand and mumbling a quick 'wingardium leviosa' at him. In the next moment, Diggory was already floating a few feet above his bed, now completely awake.

''What in Merlin's name-?!'' he exclaimed and I smirked. ''Now you'll learn to obey Dumbledore's orders. Especially when we all might be dead in a few hours,'' I added. Strangely, filling the atmosphere with some sarcasm and light-headed jokes made everything seem less real. The battle, the most important battle of our lives, might I add, suddenly seemed years away. It seemed so unreal that this could be my last night, that these could be the last hours I'll ever pass with my friends.

A shiver ran down my spine and I quickly regained myself. There was no time to joke around, trying to make everything seem less serious than it was. 

Dropping my wand, I let Diggory hit the floor. ''Get dressed and bring your ass to Dumbledore's Office if you even want to consider ever seeing the moon again.'' With this, I turned around on my heels and I left the Hufflepuff's Dorms. 


Dumbledore's thunderstorm gray eyes were as big as plates. Which was actually pretty funny, since his glasses were extremely tiny. His surprise, however, was more than excused. 

The room was quieter this time. It was just the three of us descendants left, with Dumbledore sitting by his table, staring incredulously at us. And with Morrison who was trying not to smile too widely since this would've been a) very inappropriate and b) simply rude since the rest of us were bathing in pure confusion, surprise and something else. There was something else that could be felt in the air, a feeling, an emotion as dense and sweet and pleasant as the Hogsmeade's Butterbeer after a long walk in the middle of December.   

A feeling that seemed a lot like hope. 

I heard Harry swallow hard. ''Caspar,'' he mumbled slowly, noticeably still taken aback from what we have all just heard, witnessed, comprehended. 

''Yes?'' Morrison asked him, a glittery smile drawing on his lips. ''This cannot be- I-'' Harry was left speechless and I couldn't blame him. Diggory seemed to be the first one to recompose himself. ''When did you figure this out?'' he asked the green-eyes boy who just smiled amused. ''I was thinking about it since I've heard about the Descendants but the real idea came to me yesterday as I was leaving the Malfoy Manor.'' He flashed me a quick look. ''And my sister doesn't know anything about it,'' he added.

His words needed some time to make sense in my mind and when they did, I gasped. ''So you don't trust her!'' I exclaimed, surprised but pleased. Morrison rose an eyebrow at me, the smile never leaving his face. He looked more alive than he ever did before. I mean, he was still unnaturally pale, but his eyes were shining and I could legitimately feel the adrenaline pulsing through his veins. 

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