It would be very wrong if I'd change?

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I ran like a crazy idiot towards Snape's office. I looked to my watch. Shit, shit, shit, it's almost 6:03. Snape is going to kill me. I'm to young to die! I ran down the stairs and then knocked on the door. It was 6:05 when Snape opened the door with a fake friendly smile. ''Well, well. Miss Riddle. Probably you think that you're too important because of your father so you don't have to come on time on your detention. Very well,'' he smiled at me with an evil smile. I rolled my eyes. ''I'm...I was at the diner in the Great Hall an I forgot about the time,'' I answered coldly. Snape was acting disappointed. ''Detention. Every Saturday at 6,'' he said, turning away from me. I was shocked. ''But...but this Saturday there is the qualification for this year's Quidditch team! I want to become a seeker!'' I lamented. Snape smiled even more evilly. ''What a pity,'' he said with a rude voice. I was feeling the anger rising in me and my eyes was slowly turning red. But then my look stopped on the boy who was standing in the corner of the room. ''Draco!'' I exclaimed totaly surprised. What the hell was he doing in here?! ''Ramona...I forgot that you have detention too,'' he said, embarassed. I was very surprised (and confused, I admit. It seemed like Draco was following me). ''What the heck are you doing here?!'' I asked him, angrilly. Draco shrugged. ''Watch your language, Miss Riddle!'' Snape yelled at me. I murmured something like 'sorry', although I never, never, ever use words like 'sorry' or 'please'. It's just so ''Enough talking! You will sart with the work. Both of you,'' Snape said, looking at us two with an angry look. I rolled my eyes. ''Sure, Professor,'' I said, sarcastically. Snape looked at me a bit upset. Draco was silent. ''You, Miss Riddle, will polish all the cups. And you, Malfoy will help her, considering that the girl is quite incompetent if she isn't using magic,'' he continued, viciously. I swear, I felt how my eyes lit up in the most beautiful shade of bloody red color. ''You can start. Mr Filch will take you to the shelves with trophies. And don't forget: without magic you two!'' he said, making a hand gesture like he was chasing away a fly. I rolled my eyes. ''C'mon Draco, let's start with this damn 'work','' I said coldly, looking at Snape with my evil red eyes. Snape ignored me. Oooh, I hate when someone ignore me! Draco pulled me away from Snape before I could yell anything else.

Filch led us to the shelf, high more than two meters, full of cups and medals. There have must been at least hundred trophies. ''Holy shit! We are going to clean this until tomorrow! And without magic! We are so fucked!'' I shouted, terrified. Draco next to me was still silent but I noticed his horrified look. Filch laughed rude. ''Have a nice night,'' he hissed, leaving us alone. Oh, excuse me. We weren't alone. With us was Miss Norris, yay, Filch's cat with horrible red eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love red eyes but on a cat it looks terrible. Draco sighed. ''I think we should start if we want finish before midnight,'' he said, resigned. I sighed, nodding. ''Yeah, you're right. Come on, let's do this!'' I said, encouraging him (us). I took the cloth and five minutes later we were rubbing our cups. It was so boring, especially because we weren't talking. Draco was rubbing a medal that was, ironically, dedicated to Tom Riddle. He's cheeks were red because of embarasse. I think it was quite awkward to him, being with me after what happend in afternoon. And if I'm honest, it was really weird even to me. I was trying to ignore the strange feeling that appeared whenever I looked at him. After about 15 minutes I couldn't tolerate the awkward silence any more. ''So...what's up?'' I asked Draco with a forced happy voice. Draco winced and the medal of my father almost fell on the floor but I stopped it with 'impedimenta'. Draco picked it up, restarting rubbing it. ''Nothing,'' he replied with red cheeks. He really started putting on my nerves. ''Oh, come on Draco! Don't lie to me! What's wrong?'' I asked him, turning at him. He stopped rubbing the medal, turnint at me. ''I'm not lying,'' he said, slowly. I sighed. ''Fine. If you don't want to tell me...'' I said, closing my eyes. Then I entered into his mind.

'What the...Ramona! Get out of my head!' Draco shouted in his mind.

I laughed. 'No until I find out what's wrong!'

'Ramona, stop it! It's disturbing me!' he said, pissed off.

'Come on, Draco! Don't be like this. And now, let me find out what's going on! Imperio!' I said in my mind.

Draco stopped resisting me.

Then I explored his mind, his thoughts.

Draco's thoughts were the most difficult thoughts to understand. His mind was full of worry and insecure.

What if I'm not good enough for her? What if I'm not evil enough of her? What if she don't like me? What if she hates me? Why I'm even insisting on her when at the age of 9 she clearly rejacted me? Why only she makes me feel like...that? Why I let her to play with me when she's hurting me day by day? The answer is simple. Because I love her so much.

I tore off his thoughts, taking deep breaths. My curse upon him was vanished. He was looking at me with a scared look, looking like a boy who was afraid off the rejaction of his great love. Why I'm suddenly sounding so melodramatic?! That sucks. Love sucks. ''What...exactly did you see?'' Draco asked me, embarassed and scared. I sighed. ''Everything that matters, Draco,'' I replied, confused and tired. I forgotten how reading thoughts makes me tired. Draco blushed. ''You shouldn't do this,'' Draco murmured. I sighed again. ''Maybe you're right...'' I said really confused. Then we resumed to polish the cups in silence. But something has changed. Something inside me. I felt different and...oh no. I felt how words were boiling in me, I will not be able to hold them in me for much longer...       ''Teach me,'' I said, silently. Draco turned at me, surprised. ''Teach you what? to love?'' he asked confused and hopefully. I shook my head, smiling a little bit. ''I already told you that I can not love,'' I replied, indifferently. Draco opened his mouth to object me but he quickly changed his mind when he saw my look. ''Then what?'' he asked me with an interested tone of voice. I stopped rubbing the cup and I looked at him. His stormy eyes were full of worry and...and love. I sighed. ''Teach me...teach me how to be nice,'' I said slowly, feeling my cheeks becoming red. Draco looked at me, shocked and surprised. I took a deep breath, looking at him with a shy smile. ''Please. It's suck being evil all the time. I...I want to try something new. But I know that I will  never become completly kind and nice. I will always be evil. Deep inside me,'' I said, silently. Draco was really surprised and I couldn't accuse it. I looked at him, embarassed. ''I've been evil since my birth, since I was a kid and you know that. It become a part of me, the evil. I never had friends, I never felt the warmth of a hug or love of others to me. Sometimes I asked myself how it would be if I were born to another...another father. And I think I'd be the same evil girl. Maybe I just can't change,'' I finished, silently and embarassed. Draco was still lokking at me, shocked. ''Don't say that, Ramona. I think you could change, I really think so...'' He took a deep breath. ''OK, I'll teach you how to be kind, although I'm not the right person for this. But...what is your father going to say?'' he asked me, worried and scared. I shrugged. ''He's deffinitely going to be upset. But, strangly, I don't care. Thanks Draco. Really,'' I said to him, sincerly. He smiled a bit. ''This will be fun,'' he said with a naughty smile on his perfect lips. I laughed. ''I know,'' I said evilly. I was convinced that my eyes get red. And I wasn't wrong. ''Your eyes are glittering red, Ramona,'' Draco said, worried. I smiled with a very evil smile and then I cluthed my head. Oh, what the heck was wrong with me?! I can not change. I'm evil. Dot. It's impossible for me to be kind or to have friends. ''Draco, what's wrong with me?! I can't changed! It's not even worth  to try,'' I said, desperately. Draco suddenly grapped my hand. I felt my cheeks becoming a bit red. I looked up to Draco. ''Don't say that. Never, Ram-Ram. You can change. I will help you. I promise,'' he said, squeezing my hand. I smiled at him, gratefully. ''Thanks, Draco. Maybe one day you'll become my friend,'' I said, softly. Just maybe, I whispered to myself.


Here it is, a bit longer chapter :) I really hope you like it! God, I spent three hours for writing that so please, please, PLEASE comment!! Tomorrow I'll write another chapter. Ha, what do you think, is Ramona going to changed? You'll find out if you keep reading this book.

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