Promises & Miracles

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Raveenna's POV

Silence. All I heard was silence. Horrible and sinister silence. I didn't know where I was or what happened or what time it was. I didn't even know if I was still alive. What happened in Headmaster's office was...horrible. I can't even think about it. Voldemort showed up. He tortured Caspar. And he, I can't think about this, no, no, no! Anyway, some Death Eaters appeared later and they tortured all of us. Diggory. Harry. Me. Even Dumbledore. I don't know what happened later because I lost my concious.

Now, I was somewhere. I don't know where and I don't want to know. At the moment I was quite calm, as the atmosphere after a huge tornado. It's sad and horrible but also calm. The wind is calm and so was I.

My thoughts were empty and I liked this detail. They were empty as me in this moment.

Cedric's POV

My whole body was in pain. I didn't know where the pain came out but the point was that I wanted to scream because of it but I was just too weak for something like this. I wanted to open my eyes - if this was possible, of course - and face the world. And You-Know-Who who coldly killed his daughter.

I still can't believe that Ramona is actually dead.

Nothing will be the same without her.

Raveenna's POV

Inspiration. Exhalation. Inspiration. Exhalation.

Doing deep breaths really calms you down. Mmm.... Inspiration. Exhalation. Inspi-

My calming proces was interrupted by some words.I didn't know where they came out.

''Raveenna. Open your eyes. Baby, open your eyes.'' A strange and wonderful silver voice was talking to me in my head. ''Who are you?'' I gently asked, hoping to get an answer. The silver voice appeared again. ''I'm Aura, the fairy of Air, my child.'' I was enchanted by the voice and its answer. ''You...I'm honored to meet you, Goddess of Ari,'' I said. The voice laughed. It was the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. ''Oh, child. I'm not a Goddess, just a fairy! And I'm here to give you an advice.'' I was confused but also honored because it talked to me. ''What advice? Am I dead?'' I asked, scared. The fairy laughed again. ''No, my child, just unconcious for a time. Terrible things happened to you. And to your friends. Me and my brother and my two sisters will help you, child. Open your eyes now.'' The voice was slowly disappearing. ''No! Wait!'' I yelled. The voice returned, but just for a moment. ''Yes, my child?'' I took a breath. ''Are the voices I always hear in the ball of power when I call my Element yours?'' The voice smiled. ''Yes. Mine and of the other spirits of Air. I'm always here to help you. Never forget this. Now open your eyes and face the cruel reality. Hard times are coming, my little baby. But never forget this: I will always help you and so will your friends. But a big betrayal will happen. Hard times are coming...'' The voice disappeared completely. ''Wait please!'' I yelled but it was too late. Then I felt a strange pain in my head. ''Ouch,'' I mumbled.

And then I  slowly opened my eyes to face the cruel reality.


Raveenna's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. Before I did it I tryed to hear something, anything from the real world. But I didn't hear anything. Did I become deaf? Negative, I heard the voice of the Fairy. Am I still unconcious? Again, negative because I'm about to open my eyes and I have again the complete control on my thoughts and on what I'm doing. But I still don't feel my body. And that's a horrible feeling.

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now