Change of plan

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''Hello father,'' I said, smiling at him. He gave me a quick, cold look. ''Hello Nagini,'' I greeted the snake next to my father. ''Hello Ramona, nice to see you,'' the snake said and my smile grew even bigger.

''So you decided to come home,'' father said. The word 'home' sounded so strange, coming from his mouth.

I looked at him.

''Yes. I came home.''


His words took me by surprise but I quickly reached the answer. I gave him a long look. My red eyes on his.

''To talk.''


Ramona's POV

Father gave me a look I never want to see again. His red eyes had an evil light in them and I saw just hate in them. I shivered. I know that he hates me, I know it since I was born but isn't this exaggerated?

''To talk,'' he said, snorting mockingly. ''And what you want to talk about, daughter?'' The way he said the word 'daughter' made me shiver again. It was sounding like an insult, like I was just a piece of shit for him. And this made me angry.

''Yes. To talk. I want to talk about you, about your foolish behavior!'' I said, ignoring the way he stared at me when I said it. His red eyes glittered. ''Don't say it again,'' he hissed at me. I rolled my eyes, taking a step towards him. Barty Jr. and Bellatrix were still there.

''Father, look. I really need to talk to you,'' I said, now in a calmer tone of voice and a bit warmer. He was staring at me for a moment and then he said to Barty: ''Get away. Both of you. Leave me alone with Ramona.'' Barty Jr. gave me a quick, friendly look before taking Bellatrix away.

And then it was just me and father in the living room.

My red eyes pointed at his red eyes.

The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

Father stepped towards me and I spontaniously put my hand on my wand. ''What do you want?'' he asked rudely. I sighed. ''I want to know why you saved my life after killing me.'' He was silent for a moment. ''Because you are my daughter,'' he said, without looking in my eyes. I laughed. My laugh sounded evil, like before I changed. ''Because I'm your daughter?! What a foolish answer is this? Come on father, you don't have to lie in my face. Tell me the truth, why you did it?!'' I aksed, my voice suddenly cold like the coldest night in December.

He looked in my eyes. His eyes were hypnotic. ''You want to know the truth?'' he asked and I shivered. He never spoke to me in a tone like this. I nodded. ''But the truth is not always good. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes sad. Sometimes horrible.'' My hands were sweaty. He vere talks like this. What's going on!? my mind yelled.

Don't get confused, Ramona, don't. I said to myself.

I swallowed. ''I don't care. Just tell me the truth,'' I said, grabbig the wand. Something said to me that I will need it. Father looked at me, looking more evil than ever before.

''I saved you because I will need you. You and your power and your trust.''

His words took me by surprise and they made me feel pain in my chest. It was like my heart broke in million pieces. He did it just because he need me. He did it for his advantage. Because he thinks that my power will help him to win this war. Nothing more. He didn't do this because he love me or something like that. You really thought, deep in your heart, that he loves you, didn't you? Silly girl.

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now