Morrison, I swear that I'm gonna slap you right in your face!

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It's been two days since the new guy joined Hogwarts. And this two days...well, they were the most weird days in my entire life!

First: the new boy to me in my mind even when I Occlude it. It's like we two are connected and trust me, that suck! How would you feel if someone would be constantly snooping through your mind?! Like if  you'd be thinking about the boy you 'like' and then suddenly somebody would say in your mind: 'Haha Riddle, so you like the redheads. Interesting'.

I mean grrr! I'm gonna kill this Morrison guy!

'Not so quickly, Riddle,' an amusing voice said in my mind.

'Morrison! Get out!' I yelled.

He laughed but then he left.

See how it is?! I-hate-him. I hate him even more then Lauren!

OK, clam down, ignore him. Breath Ram, breath.

So, where was I? Oh yes!

Second: the 'connection' with the new boy is nothing in comparison with other things that happen at Hogwarts. And with things that happen with me. I'm even more weird that I was before. Pansy is really getting worried for my mental health. Yesterday she said to me while I was lying on my bed upside down, with my tongue stretched out of my mouth: ''Ram, are you sure that you are sane? I mean, maybe you should visit Madam Pomfrey again. I think that acting like this is not normal!''

She really thinks that I'm mentally disturbed. And if I think...maybe she's right.

'Not maybe. She IS right. You're not sane, Ramona!'

I shouted, angrilly: ''LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT OF MY MIND!''

I completely forgot that I was in the class.

And I was having Transfiguration.

The whole class turned to face me. Including professor McGonagall.

Uhm am I in troubles?

''Miss...Miss R-Riddle? Are you OK?'' Professor McGonagall asked me, carefully like she was talikng to an insane person.

Uff, why everyone think that I'm insane?! And strange? And weird?!

'Maybe because you are,' Morrison said in my mind.

To prevent the outbreak of shouting, I started banging my head on the desk. Why he couldn't leave me alone?! I'm really going to freak out!

''Miss Riddle? What's wrong with you?!'' McGonagall shouted, worried and shocked. ''It's OK, Professor, I just have to do it, sometimes. Just to establish the contact with the reality, you know,'' I said, raising my head, smiling to her. She was looking really worried. And surprised. Well, she has every right to be surprised, considering that even I know that I'm talking nosense. ''If...if you say so. But if you have some problems you can tell me everything,'' she said, trying to smile. ''Maybe I can help you,'' she added. I thought for a moment. ''Well, Professor, if you can kill the Morrison guy than you'll solved my problem,'' I said with a little smile on my lips.

McGonagall was completely shocked and she was looking like she couldn't decide if I was kidding or no.

Well, just to help her, I'm completely serious.

'Go die in a hole, Morrison!' I said to him.

He was silent. Ha!

''Ram, are you sure that you're all right?'' Hermione asked me. I shooked my head. ''I will be when Morrison will be killed. If you want you can help me with the assassination on him,'' I said only half joking. Hermione was looking scared but Ron smiled. ''I'm going to help you. This Slytherin boy is really annoyed!'' he said. I smiled, hugging him. ''I like you, Ron-Ron,'' I said, happily. I think that my friends get used to my strange way of talking. And they also found out that I never use words 'I love you'. I always say 'I like you'. It's quite funny.

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now