I never thought that Draco could be a problem...until now.

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After the 'chat' with Dumbledore I had to go back to the classroom. On the way to the classroom I was thinking to skip this annoying lesson. I was in troubles anyway and Snape was really annoying me so why should I return to the class? But if I'm going to skip the potions, Snape will told my father. And he won't be happy. Oh, who cares! I though, turning away from the classroom. I was thinking where should I go when suddenly I was standing in front of a guy. He had white bolnde hair and stormy gray eyes. ''Draco!'' I exclaimed, surprise. He was looking at me acting annoyed but I noticed that he was happy to see me. ''Why aren't you in the class?'' I asked him strictly. He smiled with a naughty smile. ''I could ask you the same thing,'' he replied, vibrant. I rolled my eyes. ''You know why I'm not in the class! I had to go to Dumbledore's office,'' I said with an evil smile. ''Yeah, because you said to Snape that kindness is for pussies,'' Draco laughed. I had to snapped myself to looked away from him. Gosh, he has such a beautiful smile! Wiat what?! Oh, crap, what's wrong with me?! Draco was staring at me, confused and surprised. ''Uhm...Ramona, are you OK?'' he asked me slowly. ''Of course I am! Why would be anything wrong with me?'' I asked lively. Draco shrugged. ''Maybe because you slapped yourself? I mean, is this normal?'' he asked me, naughty. I was really confused now. When I was with him I couldn't think clearly. ''Uhm...'' I said. What was wrong with me?! Why Draco make me feel like this?! This isn't normal! I was always confident and...and rude. With anyone. Even with Draco who was like a brother to me. We were together sinche we were little and I have always controlled him, always! So why do I have a feeling that suddenly HE's controlling ME?!


That's all but I'll write more today promise! Give me 2 hours guys (:



We were sitting in the grass at the Lake. It was 11:30 and I should be in the class and learning new spells but I wasn't. And I really didn't care. Draco next to me was watching the lake in front of us. ''This is so beaufitul,'' he said with a soft voice. I didn't replied him. I was feeling strange, like I was doing something really, really wrong. I should be in the class, not here with Draco! I sighed. Draco looked at me, interested. ''What's wrong, Ram-Ram?'' he asked me. I winced, hearing my nickname from our childhood. Now I'm going to say a really stupid and corny thing but, strangly, I don't care: I really miss the old times, when me and Draco were just two innocent kids (well, I wasn't innocent at all. Even as a child I mastered two of the Unforgivable Curses and well...I tried my skills on Draco who left me tortured him as he was a total dupe). I sighed. ''It's nothing I just...I don't know. I miss the old times. You know, when we were kids. It sucks, being a teenager and going to school. I mean, we can not even do a real magic!'' I confessed. Draco was looking at me. He smiled a bit. ''I know what you mean. I miss those times too,'' he sighed. I nodded, looking to the Lake. Draco was right, it was so beautiful. ''Do you know something?'' Draco suddenly asked me, turning to face me. I looked at him too, rolling my eyes. ''How could I know? In that moment I don't feel to read your mind. But don't forget that I'm capeble to do this!'' I said at him, smiling just a bit evilly. Draco rolled his eyes, looking so damn cute. Waaaait what?! I'm already deleting a previous though! ''Whatever...I wanted to say that you're so much better when you're not evil. When you are...you,'' he said perplexed. I was staring at him, trying not to become angry. ''I'm always evil, Draco. That's me. I'm an evil bitch, everyone knows that,'' I said with an evil smile on my lips. Draco looked at me, annoyed. Then he said with a triumphantly voice: ''NOW you're not evil!'' He smiled. I rolled my eyes to conceal the horror that flooded me when he said that. ''Draco...I'm always evil, ALWAYS! Currently I have just hidden the evil in me. But I'm still the most evil person on the world. Draco, you'll found out that I'm even more evil than my father. Trust me,'' I added with an evil tone of voice. Draco was looking a te a little bit dissapointed. ''This is not ture, Ram. Now you're not evil so don't tell me you are. Look at you! You're smiling, you are having a good time. Aren't you?'' he asked me softly. Ew, I hate that sweet tone in his voice. I rolled my eyes. ''Maybe. But this doesn't mean that I'm not evil! You don't know me, Draco. You don't know what I'm capable to do. I'm totally, completely evil,'' I said to him, sincerely. Draco sighed, frustrated. ''You would be much more enjoyable if you'd be kind,'' he said embarassed. I looked at him, disgusted. ''Ew Draco. Since when you're so...good?'' I asked him, interested and disappointed. He shrugged. ''I don't know. Maybe since...'' he interrupted himself. He quickly looked away but I could see that he blushed. ''Since when?'' I asked, trying to not sound interested. Draco was silent. I gently pushed him. ''C'mon, tell me or I'll used the Imperius Curse on you,'' I said in joke. Draco sighed. ''Fine...'' he said. But before telling me THE thing he added: ''Why do you always get what you want?'' he murmured a bit angry. I laughed evilly. ''Well, I know how to wrapped people around my little finger,'' I said naughty. Draco mutterred something and that made me smile a bit more. ''Come on Dracooo, tell me!'' I annoyed him until he sighed, resigned. ''OK...well...I'm 'good' since...since I found out that I love you,'' he said so quickly that I barely understood him. Then he stood up and quickly walked to the castle, leaving me alone and confused sitting on the grass.


I'm really sorry 'cuz I'm late with uploading but I hope that it doesn't matter to you. I hope you enjoyed this part :) This week I'll have a lot of time for writing because I've got holidays yay :D

COMMENT+VOTE+FAN <3<3 love you <3



Two hours after the scene with Draco I was in the Great Hall sitting next to Pansy and eating the delicious lunch. Crap, the elves on Hogwarts make the best pork roast in the world! Yeah, whatever, I like meat. Pansy was looking at me while I was filling with food. ''What?'' I asked her irritated. ''Where have you been?! You missed the charms class! Professor Flitwick wasn't happy!'' she said to me with a reproach tone of voice. I rolled my eyes. ''You sound just like Hermione,'' I said to her, serving me with another portion of meat. Pansy was angry. ''Don't compare me with that mudblood!'' she hissed. I shrugged. ''Whatever,'' I continued eatinng. I noticed that Pansy was really upest. ''Anyway, have you seen Draco? I didn't see him at charms and now he isn't in the Hall,'' she said. I heard that her voice changed from angry to worried. ''I didn't see him since potions,'' I answerd, annoyed. Pansy sighed, worried. ''Whatever, Ramona. What Dumbledore said?'' she asked me, interested. I was still eating. Grr, I hate when someone bother me while I'm eating! It really makes me mad! ''I'll told you later. In dormitores,'' I added, looking at her with a mysterious look. She nodded and then she turned to Crabbe. Yey, finally she stopped talking to me so I could eat in peace. God, the food was really amazing! And if you're wondering, yes, I love eating. I just wanted to try the dessert when Pansy's worried voice whispered to me: ''Ramona! I'm really getting worried! Where is Draco? Even Crabbe and Goyle didn't see him after potions!'' I sighed. Why she couldn't leave me alone with my food?! ''Pansy, I don't know! And honestly, I don't care!'' I said becoming angry. Then I turned away, eating my ice cream. It was delicious! I noticed Pansy's shocked and angry look. ''WILL YOU EVER STOP EATING?! Our friend is missing!'' she shouted at me. She scared me with her shout and my ice cream fell of my hands. Oh, she'll pay for that! I turned at her. Holy shit, she was really, really mad. ''Wow, Pansy, calm down,'' I said, hidding my smile. ''I'm not going to calm down, Ramona! How can you be so...selfish and cold?!'' she aksed me, disgusted. I rolled my eyes. ''I don't have a heart, Pans,'' I asnwerd her with a naughty smile. ''Oh, shut up, Ramona!'' she said, annoyed. It reall made me upset. ''Ah, you're not going to talk to me in this way, Parkinson!'' I said at her with a sarcastic voice. Pansy looked at me, shocked. She opened her mouth to yell at me but she changed her mind. Better for her. ''Anyway...what's time it is?'' she asked me with a more friendly tone of voice. ''Uhm...let me se...it's 5:50, why?'' I asked her, eating my new ice cream. ''Just wanted to know,'' she replied. I nodded. ''Mmm, this ice cream is awsome!'' I said with a dreamly voice. Pansy laughed. ''How can you eat that much?'' she asked me, amused. I smiled at her. ''I don't know. It's funny right?'' I said, laughing. Pansy smiled at me but then her expression changed. ''HOLY CRAP!'' she screamed, scaring me again. And the ice cream fell on the floor. Again. Damn. ''What's wrong? Why do you keep screaming?!'' I asked her, pissed off. ''Ramona...it's 5:56...don't you have to be in Snape's office at 6 because of detention?'' she asked me, concerned. A shiver flashed through me. I jumped up. ''SHIT, I'm going to be late!'' I screamed, running out of the Great Hall.


Sorry, sorry, sorry for the short and a bit boring part but I promise that tomorrow I'll write a longer and more interesting one...I already have some ideas...maybe the cold Ramona will turn into a...hm, kindly person...but I'm not going to tell you more ;)


Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now