Slowly back to the old life...well, sort of

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I walked in the Grerat Hall hand in hand with Morrison, ignoring the shocked and confused looks of every student. Morrison snorted. We walked to my friends. Surprised I noticed that Hermione, Ron, Fred, George and Seamus were sitting next to Pans, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Lauren (!).

And Lauren was sitting next to Seamus. Well, what can I say? I really hope that she'll fall in love with him so she'll leave my twin in peace!

'The girl with green hair and green eyes and elvish ears is in love with me?'

'Mmm, kinda.'

Morrison laughed silently.

'C'mon le'ts go to my friends! I'll introduse you!' I said in my mind.

So I marched towards them. ''Heyow my lovely friends!'' I smiled at them with a really happy smile. If I think about it...I'm smiling from the moment when I found out that Morrison is my twin.

''Ram! What a sur-'' Hermione started but then she noticed that I was holding Morrisons hand. And she shuted. I was still smiling. I noticed Freds angry and jealous look and Laurens jealous eyes. Oh, and her lovely green hair became red. Hihihi, she was really angry.

'Maybe you should let go my hand or the Weasley boy is going to punch me right in my pretty face,' Morrison said.

I giggled, sounding like an idiot. ''Well guys! This is Caspar Morrison but you allready know him. Well, he's my twin!'' I said, smiling to my friends.

Fred fell ofhis chair. Lauren, Ron, Pansy and Crabbe were completely shocked-they were just staring at us two. George shooked his head, incredulously. Goyle and Draco were surprised.

''You two...are twins?'' Lauren asked, sounding relieved. I tryed to hide my smile. I nodded. ''Yeppy!'' I said, feeling happy, happy, happy.

I can not describe theire faces. Morrison and me laughed like two idiots. Sorry, but their faces were just to much funny!

''Seriously?! And you tell us now that this creepy boy is your freakin' TWIN!!'' Hermione almost yell at me. I stepped back a bit scared of her. ''Wooow, 'Mione, calm down! I found out just now that Morrison is my twin so don't fucking yell at me! I'm in shock too!'' I shouted at her but with a smile. Morrison was looking at us with the amused smile on his lips. I noticed Lauren was looking at him with her cheeks a bit red.

OK, now I'm giong to have a bit of fun.

''Twinny, this is Lauren Crouch and she's 14 years old so actually she's a year younger then we are but she's quite a...uhm interesting person. She's really good at DADA and she was able to charm a Patronus at the age of 5. So, what else you should know about her? Oh, yes, she a Metamorphmagus but I think that you already noticed it!'' I finished my speech. Then I smiled to Lauren with an innocente smile. Her hair went red but I noticed some pinky hair. So, she was happy huh? But also embarassed and a bit angry.

That Metamorphmagus thing can quite fuck you up. I mean, everyone can know how you feel because of your hair-color.

Morrison smirked and I noticed that he was examining Lauren with his green eyes. I also saw that the others were kinda confused (well, except for Pansy-she was looking like she was having fun).

Lauren blushed when Morrisons eyes stopped on her chest.

'You perv!'

He smiled with an amused smile but he looked away.

''Hi. Nice to meet you, Lauren,'' he said, trying to hide the mocking tone of the voice. But I noticed it. Lauren blushed even more. Her hair was now completely pink. Someone is enjoying my joke! I'm so awesome! So, my new objective is to make Morrison and Lauren become a couple.

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