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Caspar Morrison's POV

I jumped up, hearing Raveenna's words. Her brown eyes were shining and she had a determined smile on her lips. ''Gosh, why didn't I think about it?! It's logicall! Ram was always a good friend with the Malfoy boy and she also said something about spending all her holidays there. Raveenna, you're offically a genious!'' I nearly yelled at Raveenna, forgeting completely that I was in Gryffindor's Common Room, full of students. And, as you can imagine, everybody looked at me when I yelled those words.

Raveenna next to me poked me. ''God Caspar, watch your tone!'' she murmured, trying to sound angry but I could see that she was trying to hide a smile. I blushed a bit. ''Sorry.''

Right in this moment - and they really couldn't chose a worst moment - Hermione, Ron and Harry walked into the Common Room and Hermione stopped, staring at me and Raveenna.

''What are you doing here? How did you get into? I thought you don't know the password,'' Hermione protested a bit when she stopped infront of us. She gave us a quick, curious smile. I chuckled a bit, poking Raveenna who rolled her eyes. ''Well, Raveenna has a strange talent to guess nearly all passwords, so here we are,'' I explained, ignoring Raveenna's rolling eyes. Hermione nodded with a stressed smile and I guessed that she was thinking about Ramona's disappearance.

I walked closer to her and when I was just a centimeter away from her, I whispered in her ear: ''Thinking about my twin?'' I asked, trying to act normal. Hermione nodded. ''Well, Raveenna guessed where she is,'' I continued and Hermione took a shocked breath. She looked at Raveenna. ''You know?!'' Her voice was low and worried.

Raveenna and me nodded.

''Malofy Manor,'' we said together.

Ramona's POV (5 hours later)

What will be our next step? What will be our next step?

This words were dancing a weird and wild tango in my mind for almost three hours now.

What will be our next step? What will be...

''OH SHUT UP!'' I yelled, having enough of this sentance. I jumped up, running a hand thrught my lond, raven black hair.

Raven black hari...raven...Raveenna...

My heart made a jump. ''Everything will be allright, I just have to stop thinking about what I'm doing and everything will be allright. Me and Father together will win the war but at the same time Raveenna and others won't die. But how do this?'' I thought out-loud, sitting back down on my bed.

I looked out of the window. It was almost midnight. I really can not believe how time flyes. And I had almost died because of boredom. I was just lying on my bed and doing nothing except thinking about my whole life, about my past, present and future. And the last thing was bothering me the most: my future. Or might I say our future.

I dont want to kill my friends. God, I don't want to kill anybody! I was trying to become a good person. But it seems like I have to let it go.

Somebody's knock made med jump. ''Who's there?'' I called, grabbing my wand. Just to be prepared. ''It's me, Barty Jr.'' I looked at the door. ''Alohomora!'' I said and the door I locked before got un-locked and Barty Jr. got into my room. I smiled at him. ''What do you want?'' I asked him, trying to sound polite as Hermione always. friends...

''Oh, nothing...I-I just wanted to talk to you,'' he said, uncomfortable. I nodded, pointing my bed. ''Sit,'' I nearly ordered to him. He slowly sat down, a bit confused and I knew perfectly why: I was never this polite and kind with him and I never permised anybody to sit on my bed.

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now