The explosion

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''RAVEENNA!'' I yelled.

The corridor was filled with the blue light which was coming from Raveenna's body. I fell on my knees, starting to cry. ''No! Raveenna, no! Oh my god, what's happening?!'' I cried, shaking. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I looked up to see Morrison. ''Call Dumbledore! He'll know what to do!'' he said to me, sounding worried.

I didn't move. Morrison shooked me. ''Ram! Call Dumbledore!'' he said again, now louder. I still didn't move. Morrison sighed, frustrated. ''FOR GOD'S SAKE, GO AND CALL DUMBLEDORE!'' he yelled at me, slapping me. I was completely shocked.

He just slapped me.

I was looking up at him, confused. I was feeling like I wasn't conscious and that was creepy strange.

'' have to call Dumbledore. I-I must help Raveenna. Go!'' I murmured to my twinny who was just staring at me completely perplexed. But when he noticed my eyes which were compeletely emotionless he nodded. ''I'll call Dubmledore. Take care of Raveenna. And of you. What's happening here isn't normal.'' And then he stood up and...changed into a bat and flew away?

What the hell?! My twin was an animagus?

That's cool.

But I don't have time to think about how awesome my twinny is. I must help Raveenna.

So I gathered all my forces and I stood up. I turned in the direction of Raveenna right in the moment when she screamed. ''Raveenna! No!'' I yelled when her body exploaded. The corridor was now completely filled with blue and silver light. If the light woulnd't come from Raveenna's body, this scene would be wonderful.

FOCUS, RAM! This is not the right moment for thinking! I yelled to myself.

I ran towards Raveenna who was lying on the pavement, screaming while the bright blue light was dancing around us. I looked at her, trying to stop the tears which were burning in my eyes. Why is this happening to Raveenna? And what exactly IS happening?! I've never seen something like this! When I tryed to come closer to her, the invisible blockade stopped me. That confused me. What the hell is going on here?!

''Raveenna, if you hear me, answer me!'' I shouted, frustrated, at my friend who was still lying there but now she was silent. This scared me a bit.

'Morrison! Where the heck are you?! I need you! I can not get to Raveenna! An invisible blockade is isolating her!' I cried in my mind, hoping my twin will hear and answer me.

Fortunately, Morrison heard me.

'We're comming. Dumbledore is with me. He seemed verry worried when I told him about what happened. Try to get to Raveenna with the 'Reducto'. Maybe it will help.'

And he left my mind.

I cried, looking at Raveenna. It was strange how quickly she entered my heart. In miserable ten minutes she became my friend. Maybe also my best friend...oh, God, I don't know! I just met her but she already means to me more than all my friends together. I don't know what's wrong with me!

''Reducto!'' I said, pointing the blockade around Raveenna. When the charm hit the blockade...nothing happened. That confused me a lot. I fell on my knees, crying. I had no idea how to help Raveenna. I was just there, staring at the body of my new friend, who was lying in the middle of the invisible barrier. ''Somebody help her,'' I murmured, tired. I looked at Raveenna who was now completely immobile. That scared me. ''No...'' I whispered, shockekd.

'Help me. Twin, where are you?' I yelled in my head but now, Morrison didn't hear me.

I started crying like a little child. I wanted to help Raveenna. I MUST help her. But how?!

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now