Why am I so weird? Is this a part of a package 'Let's Be Nice?'

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''Crap, it's more difficult than I though,'' I murmured frustrated. Draco next to me smiled a bit. ''Maybe it is but you can do it, I'm sure of this,'' he replied, sotfly. Draco just explained me what I have to do to become a good girl. It's...complicated. A lot.

Oh Draco, what would happened with me if you wuoldn't help me to change? I though. Probbably I'd become a femal version of my father. Oh, ew!!! It means that I wouldn't have a nose! Disgusting, totaly, completly disgusting! But wait a second...if father doesn't have a nose...how can he smell? That's an interesting question! Next time I'll ask him.

Or maybe not. It could be bad.

Oh, what's wrong with me?!

''Why do you have this face? Like you have seen something really disgusting.''

If you only knew, Draco, if you only knew...

''Oh, uhm, it's nothing. I'm just thinking about uhm...some things. But how could you see my face?! It's dark!'' I said, surprised. Draco laughed naughty. ''Ramona, I know you for a long, long time and in this time I learned to read your emotions on your face,'' he said, naughty. I rolled my eyes. ''If you say so,'' I replied. Then I looked on a clock. ''Shit, it's late! I think we should go to sleep,'' I said, looking at him (although I didn't see anything because of darkness). ''Are you sleepy?'' he asked me softly. I though for a moment. ''Not at all,'' I answer with an evil voice (but not as evil as usual. It was...evil just for fun. Oh, God, am I really changing so rapidly?! I'm more open to the others and I started to talk to myself. Gosh, why am I so weird?!)

''Are YOU asleep?'' I asked Draco to calm my strange thoughts. Draco smiled. ''Not at all,'' he said, naughty. ''Hey! Don't copy me! I'm special!'' I said, acting mad. He laughed even more. I did it to. It was so funny, laughing with an alomst-friend. I was feeling loved and...at home. Yeah, it sounds weird. ''You know what?'' Draco suddenly said. I turned at him. His face was was illuminated by the moon. He was looking pretty hot.

'Seriously, Ramona?' I asked myself.

'Uhm yep,' I answerd myself.

'You're so stupid, you know that?'

'Oh, get out of my mind!'

'But I'm you!'

'What?' I asked the other me, the evil me. Oh, she was right.

'I'm not 'she'! I'm you, you asshole!'

'Whatever,' I said, ending the conversation with 'me'. Why am I suddenly so weird? Is this a part of the package 'Let's Be Nice'? Oh, who cares!

''Ramona? Are you asleep?'' Draco whispered at me. I shook my head. ''Of course not! I was just having a weird conversation with myself. Would you join?'' I asked him, not realizing what I was saying. Draco was looking at me surprised. ''Are you sure that you're OK? Maybe you should stay evil. Maybe being good detrimental to your mental health,'' he said, sounding really worried. I laughed silently to not woke up Crabbe and Goyle. And YES, I was in Draco's dorm. And NO, we weren't doing anything strange! We were just talking. And laughing. That's all. ''Draco, I'm not OK. I've never been OK. I think that I have always been weird. I just didn't showed it,'' I explained softly. OK, maybe I'm really getting nice and all this shit, but I still hate this sweet and soft tone of voice. ''So, what you wanted to say?'' I asked him to divert attention away from how insane I was. Draco was silent for a moment. ''I just wanted to say...oh, forget it,'' he said, turning in his bed. ''Come on, Draco! Tell me!'' I said, pulling the blanket off him. He jumped up in bed. ''What's wrong with you?! Give me my blanket, I'm cold!'' he said, upset. I laughed. I was really having fun with my Draco. Wait what!?! MY Draco!? Seriously, maybe I should visit Madam Pomfrey. ''Everything is wrong with me. Now tell and I'll give you your blanket!'' I said, naughty. Draco sighed. ''Fine. I just wanted to tell you that you're so much better when you are weird and good,'' he smiled at me with a warm smile. I nodded. ''Thank's Draco. But it is possible to change so much in...'' I looked to the clock. ''...in five miserable hours?!'' I asked, incredulity. Draco shrugged. ''I don't know. It seems so. But you're right, it's strange. What are you going to bo about...'' an angry voice interrupted him. ''Will you two ever stop talking?! Someone want to sleep!'' It was Goyle. Okie dokie, gorilla. I looked at Draco. He was trying to hide his smile. I rolled my eyes. ''Good night,'' I whispered to him. He smiled at me softly. ''Night, Ram-Ram,'' he answerd with a sleepy voice.

Ramona Riddle - Dark Lord's daughter (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now