Six Months (18+)

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Summary: hooking up with your ex boyfriend Draco.

Warnings: degrading language, mature themes, sex

A sea of students donning Red and Gold standing up in their seats cheering and whistling.

Harry had caught the golden snitch right on time to the disappointment of everyone wearing green and silver—especially the white haired Slytherin seeker.

Tired but happy footsteps.

You walked towards the bathrooms, eager to strip away your quidditch robe and scrub away the rain and dust from your body but on your way you saw him seated on a bench with his head hanging low—Messy white-blonde hair falling on his face.

Messy white-blonde hair you used to push away from his face once upon a time.

"Come to gloat?"

On normal days you would have ignored him but you were in a good enough mood to reply.

"No—I was on my way to the shower actually."

He nodded at you and rested his head in his hands and you had to restrain yourself from reaching out to him.

You reminded yourself that the break up was inevitable.

Your friends despised him while his friends hated your guts.

Secret kisses exchanged before quidditch matches before flying out on your brooms to play for opposing teams.

You made excuses for him and he spent half of his time defending you.

It was doomed from the start.

"You were really good out there today." You said softly as you crouched in front of him—you just couldn't help it.

"And why should I believe a single word that comes out of that mouth of yours?" His head tilted upwards as he sneered at you—looking into your eyes and right through your soul. "It's not like your words ever mean anything."

"Draco I—"

"Malfoy. It's Malfoy to you."

"Well Malfoy, I don't think you need to rely on my worlds to know just how great you were out there." You gulped as you stared back into his stone cold eyes. "And for the record, I have always meant every fucking word."

"Are you convincing me or are you convincing yourself?" He said in a sour voice leaning in closer to you.

"You—I-I am convincing you."

"You sure y/n?" He said in a breathy whisper—making you feel like there wasn't enough air in this world. You felt your body start to heat up and that shower you were supposed to take seemed like a bloody good idea.

You licked your lips and he took notice of the way the tip of your tongue ran through your bottom lip making him remember all the sinful things you once did with your tongue—the ungodly things he did to you in return.

He leaned in closer and closer and you reached out and placed your hand on his shoulder in a feeble attempt to not topple over and he used one of his hands to grip you firmly by the waist.

His lips touched yours and waves instant recognitionthe feeling of home washed all over your body.

He knew just how you liked your bottom lip grazed, almost sort of bitten before he put his tongue in your mouth and you knew just how much he liked it when you caressed his cheeks and tugged on his hair as he kissed you deeper.

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