My Girl

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Summary: Draco and the reader as best friends. After a quidditch match, Draco gets into a fist fight with a guy that tries to get y/n to sleep with him.

Requested: yes/no

Warnings: a few mentions of avada and blood, Marcus Flint being a complete creep, overprotective Draco soft Draco, fist fight? Yep. I think that covers it. Lmk if this needs any more warnings.


"The essay is to be done in pairs." Said Professor Binns, making you suppress a sigh of utter frustration. Every other professor had already piled you up with homework and readings from prescribed textbooks. And now, professor Binns was only adding to the misery.

"I will however, allow you all to pick your partners for this essay." The professor added and you already knew who you wanted to work on the essay with. It was a no brainer.

You looked up from your textbook and turned your head to find him across the classroom. To your delight, he was already looking at you with an all knowing smirk on his face.

He was your partner by default for everything.

Essays, Potions class, all of the school dances and sometimes even detention—most of which would be his fault anyway.

"How on earth are you two just friends?" Was something people asked the two of you on the daily.

Most of the time, you'd  brush it off because there was no particular answer to this.Draco Malfoy was your best friend, your confidante, your partner in crime.

Surely there was nothing more to this relationship right?

"I say, we ditch this pathetic excuse for a school and make a run for it." Draco scoffed, walking up to you.

"Always the over dramatic one, Draco." You rolled your eyes at him as you started to collect your books and shove them carelessly into your bookbag. "And where is it that we are running to?"

"Anywhere but here."

"Fine then, let's go." You said, walking out the door and he quickly followed. "We can work on our escape plan while we work on this essay in my room."



The next two hours were spent working fruitlessly on the essay. You were busy skimming through passages trying to find something relevant to the topic at hand while Draco was busy watching you skim through those passages.

He couldn't tell why he was so engrossed in watching you, and the way your forehead crinkled and your eyes moved in deep concentration along with the words.

He'd always thought you had the prettiest face he'd ever seen but was he always this attracted to you?

Everyone was right. How on earth were you two just friends?

Draco went back to his own book and tried to pretend like his newly discovered attraction didn't bother him. But oh, it was killing him.

Everytime he looked up from his book and his grey eyes made contact with your lips, he wanted to grab you by the waist and kiss you.

Draco let out an inaudible sigh and pretended like Professor Binns was in the room too. That was the only way he could focus.

And as the hours continued to fly by, his mind continued to spiral out of control.

The hot flush he always felt in his stomach, the bile he felt in his throat whenever he saw you laughing or talking to another guy was suddenly making sense to him.

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