Being Friends with Benefits with Rockstar!Draco would include:

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Warnings: Rockstar Au, mature language and themes, no smut or anything explicitly nsfw but there are several mentions of sex and innuendos. As always read at your own discretion

1) I always imagine rockstar!Draco would have a bit of a bad boy reputation.

2) You'd probably hear a lot about him in the tabloids and the good ol' internet for being a bit....temperamental.

3) Some examples of trashy tabloid headlines revolving around him would read like: "Malfoy in a fist fight again!", "He's a cautionary tale about the dark side of fame," says Draco Malfoy's former manager, in a candid interview."

4) Draco hates that his label makes him participate in social media marketing gimmicks and despises attending promotional events. Unfortunately he is forced to oblige due to his contractual obligations to the label.

5)Sometimes, he'll just straight up walk out of press conferences and album launches because they ask him too many questions that he would rather gouge out his eyeballs than answer

6) It was never about fame or money for him. His massive Malfoy Inheritance is enough to last him a lifetime without working.

7)He's in it because music is the only thing that seems to put his demons at bay. When he's on the stage, he forgets the rest of the world.

8)His first guitar was a gift from his aunt Andromeda

9) He wears a LOT of rings on his fingers and has calluses on his fingertips from strumming too hard on his guitar

10) TATTOOS. He definitely has a lot of them. And I'm talking tattoo sleeves, ink on his knuckles and maybe one one of his calves

11) Just as much as he loves the stage, he loves staying up late in his hotel room, strumming his acoustic guitar and writing music

12) He has some half finished and brutally raw songs that he doesn't feel comfortable sharing with the world. They are too sacred and he is afraid of being vulnerable

13) Out of those deeply personal songs he's written, most if them are about you

14) You don't know they're about you because Draco never tells you

15) He's known you for more than half of his life. You've been friends for so long

16) Ahem..friends that occasionally sleep with each other I mean.

17) Even though you live in different cities, Draco has a habit of sending you random little texts every couple months

18) Sometimes he'll text you right before going on stage or right after

19) His texts range from sweet little messages like: "Hello from Brussels, I had a waffle this morning and I immediately thought about you." Or random texts that leave you scratching your head like "I dreamt of you last night."

20) You are his one true weakness, his unrequited love

21) When he's touring in your city, he'll meet you for drinks in disguise. It's an ineffective disguise because it's just him in sunglasses and a hat or hoodie of some sort

22) Meeting for drinks ALWAYS ends up in his hotel room with your clothes tossed haphazardly across the floor

23) "Fuck. I've missed being inside of you." He almost always says into your ears

24) You love the feel of his tattooed hands around the base of your throat

25) Obviously the man has impeccable rhythm and his fingers are awfully skilled so you are always a screaming, moaning mess

26) Every time he touches you, he is hyper aware of his calloused fingers. He doesn't want to hurt you

27) You want to be with him and he wants to be with you but somehow life always gets in the way.

28) Right person wrong time

29)In between moments of rushed hotel elevator kisses and bathroom sex, there are some profound moments that just suspend in time. During those moments, the two of you lie naked in bed and talk about life

30) Sometimes he'll play a song he wrote for you while you lay your head on his leg and listen to him

31) Sometimes, you'll even dance to his playing and he'll obviously toss his guitar away to pick you up and kiss you

32) "Come to my show tomorrow." He says "I'd love it if you did."

33) And so you go.

34) The whole time he's playing, his eyes are on you. It's like no one in the arena is there. It's just you. His muse.

35) When the show's over, you wait for him backstage. And the minute is back stage, he kisses you. He pours out every emotion into that kiss.

36) Maybe one of these days, he'll finally tell you how he really feels but for now, he has to be back on the road again.

37) Okay this one is a little specific but I can totally see him reaching for your hand and kissing your knuckles like a true gentleman every time the two of you part ways

38) "Until next time."

39) The goodbyes are always temporary though. You'll always keep colliding with each other. Call it fate, call it divine intervention.

40) He thinks of you all the time during those gaps though

41)You listen to his songs during the gap. Not the ones from his platinum certified album but from voice memos from your phone. The songs he wrote for you.

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