Anatomy Book

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Summary: She meets him at her university lecture and they strike up an instant bond. And as the story always goes. She falls in love with him. But on a seemingly mundane day the world turns on its axis, leaving her life upside down.

Warnings: angst, mcd, mentions of drinking and throwing up, only implied smut, some coarse language, implied car wreck, read at your own discretion.

Au: Modern (Draco Malfoy x Female!reader)


It is an incredibly ordinary day.

The overcast sky strewn with heavy clouds that look ready to burst open any moment is only adding to the dullness of it all.

An indie record is playing from the spinning record on the turntable—the melodies bleeding into the chiming of the cash register and the clinking of cutlery to create a soft tune, repetitive enough to put her to sleep.

The buttery, sweet, inviting smell of raisin bread just out of the oven fills the air of the cafe and she has half a mind to get up and buy herself some.

Maybe after finishing her coffee. She doesn't really care.

For the first time in months, she has nowhere to be. Classes are canceled and she has no plans or any social obligations whatsoever.
She is free to go to that art show happening later in the day. She is free to read that one book she'd been wanting to read for the longest time. She has all the time needed to strip off that hideous paint job at her campus housing and yet, she finds herself sitting by the window of this outré excuse for a coffee shop in the middle of nowhere.

Another batch of freshly made bread is being taken out from the oven and she takes it as a sign to get her arse up and buy some. Only, she never makes it to the counter. The vibration of her phone in her pocket causes her to take a detour.

Rain is starting to pour by the time she steps out of the cafe to receive the phone call from an unknown number.

Frustratingly long minutes pass by as she stands out in the rain, stiff and unmoving while she listens to what the person on the other end has to say.

"I'm sorry to hear that." She quietly says into the receiver when the person is done speaking. "I'm on my way now."

When she finally presses the end call button, the day no longer feels ordinary. The drive back to her house and the painfully long stagger to her wardrobe suddenly seem like events that will painfully brand themselves into her memories for as long as she shall live.

As for mid afternoon phone calls out of the blue?

She is positive she will dread them from here on out.

She lets his fingers glide along the fabrics hanging neatly in the closet and pulls out a dress.The inky black fabric reminds her of him. She often wonders if his black suits were simply a means to protect himself, make him look unapproachable.

"No one can hurt you if you don't let them close enough." He used to say.

She understands that now.

6 months ago

Standardised tests were designed by the devil, she was sure.

She'd spent the last few weeks throwing back espresso shots and stubbing out countless HB pencils, only to place second in the entire class.
The boy currently sitting in front of her in the lecture hall had one-upped her by pretty much a landslide.

She wasn't meaning to snoop but he had his test results open in a tab on his laptop. He was fast asleep and his white blond hair was defying gravity by poking in every direction imaginable.

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