Terrible at Small Talk

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Summary: You meet Draco at a bar and have a one night stand with him. After two months, he bumps into you at St Mungos and realises why he felt a strange connection with you

Warnings: drinking, smut, breeding kink, 18+, reader discretion is advised

You swirled what remained of your drink in your glass making the amber liquid spin round and round and round.

Even after two whole hours waiting on a tall bar stool in a dead little muggle bar, and your date was still nowhere to be seen.

The previous hour had gone by pretty quickly in comparison to the first hour though. You'd been drinking whisky on the rocks and your insides were warming up little by little making the waiting game a tad bit more bearable.

You couldn't tell if it was the alcohol but you chuckled to yourself thinking about what you had done in life to lead you there, in a strange little pub waiting for a boy you weren't even sure was coming.

"One more of these please." You called out to the bartender, smiling politely and shaking your empty glass.

"I'll have what she's having."

An all too familiar voice made all the hairs on your back stand up straight. Your goosebumps were probably highly visible from the back of your backless red dress.

"Well, well, if it isn't y/l/n in the flesh." He muttered, sitting down on the bar stool next to you and you didn't dare to turn to your side to look at him.

You didn't even need to.

You knew who this voice belonged to and it sure as hell wasn't your date.

"Well, Hello to you too, Malfoy." You said, finally turning your head towards him. "I didn't know you liked to frequent muggle bars on the weekends."

You hadn't seen him after the wizarding war. He had gone off the grid.

He still looked the same and yet, completely different.

His suit was still all black but his jaw had gotten more chiseled, his hair remained the same but he now donned glasses. He still wore his silver rings and you could see what looked like a tattoo peeking out of his suit sleeves.

"Nice glasses." You blurted.

"Nice hair." He muttered, as the bartender handed you your drinks. He eyed you intently before taking a prolonged swig of his drink. "Although, I preferred it the way it was in school."

"So did I." You smiled weakly at him, running your hands through your hair, suddenly feeling very conscious.

"Why did you change it though?—I used to love your hair." He cleared his throat and tried to backtrack from his sudden confession. "Not that you don't look good now."

You needed a fresh start after Hogwarts, the war and life in general but you didn't think he needed to hear all that.

"Wanted something new I guess." You said in a very composed tone as you gulped down your beverage and asked the bartender to keep the drinks coming.

He hummed and downed his drink matching your own speed.

Soon enough, you had created a row of empty glasses at the counter.

Both of you terrible at small talk.

"It's so strange seeing you of all people at a muggle bar." You said, your voice slowly getting slurry with a hint of inebriation and a tinge of madness.

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