Deafening Silence

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Summary: Draco leaves Slytherin!reader to go to the room of requirement during the battle of Hogwarts

Warnings: (this was my first one shot ever) mentions of Avada, death , angst, read at your own discretion


Anxious whispers, fearful whimpers, and footsteps pacing back and forth was all that could be heard coming from the dungeons. Some seventh years were comforting sniffling second years. A group of fifth years were sitting on the floor with solemn expressions on their faces.

You weren't sure what to feel anymore. It was like you had a heavy heart.

"Do you think they are going to be back anytime soon?" You asked your friends Pansy and Theo while you kept pacing back and forth. It felt like the only thing you could do.

"I-I don't know." Pansy said staring out the window at the lake.

"Well It's been more than an hour Pansy! Draco said he'd be back here in an hour."

"I know.I know." Pansy sighed in defeat.

You let out your own anxious sigh and rested your palms against the glass window. "This is stupid. Why aren't we out there fighting?"

"It is stupid isn't it?" Theodore finally spoke after being quiet for almost an eternity. "But look at all the panic stricken and terrified first years in here. Call it self preservation, call it selfishness. But someone needs to stay here and look out for them.They are our people."

You couldn't do anything else but nod at him before pulling your wand out of your pocket.

"What are you doing?" Pansy asked, looking at you with her tired eyes.

"I refuse to stay in here and watch them destroy everything that we've ever cared about!—I am not going to sit around and wait for the war to be over." You said firmly as you walked away from your friends. "I am going to fight. I am going to look for him."

"But he said he is coming back. Wait a little longer y/n." Theo pointed out.

"I have!" You cried out. "Don't you see? I have waited long enough. I-I cannot do this anymore."

Before your friends could even manage to reply, you ran frantically away from the Slytherins and across the hallway keeping your eyes open for a wavy mop of blonde hair.

Thoughts about every worst case scenario that could have possibly taken place washed all over your mind when you saw no sign of him anywhere.

It was difficult to keep your spirits and your hopes up when the school that you had grown up in looked nothing like the way It always did. There was dust, smoke and rubble everywhere along with the bodies of the fallen.

It was difficult to tell which side those people were fighting for. Because in the end, everyone was merely flesh and bones after all.

Everyone bled the same color. Pure blood, Half blood, muggle born. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff.

You ran with your hand clasped tightly onto your wand. Ready to dodge hexes and disarm.
But to your surprise, the hallway was dead silent.

You tried to stay as focused and alert as possible as you navigated your way towards the seventh floor.

You had to find Draco.

You just had to.

You let out a breath you weren't even aware you were holding when the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy came into view and an uncontrollable smile formed on your quivering lip when you saw Draco standing outside the
Room of requirement.

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