Feeling Colours - Part One

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Word count: 2620

Warnings: fluff, Excessive Drinking, hang over, throwing up, Draco being a softie. lmk if this needs any more warnings. (Sorry if you came for the filth, this one has none :( )

A/n: I get rather anxious while posting fics these days. This has been in my drafts for a while—🤧.

Requested: yes/ no


You found yourself standing at the entrance of the Slytherin common room due to a surprising turn of events.

Your roommate, Hannah Abbott had been casually seeing a boy from the green and silver house and she'd been invited to one of their so called "exclusive" parties.

The problem was, she did not want to go alone and thus, you were roped into a situation you simply couldn't get yourself out of.

You stood by the door and took some time to process the abundance of green, the dimmed lights and the loud blaring music.

As you navigated through the crowd, you wondered how these people got away with doing these parties ever so often. Maybe Snape chose to ignore all this because he did not want to deduct points from his own house.

Who knows.

"Y/n!" A voice called from the other side of the room. "Over here!"

Your head shot up and you found a friendly looking Theodore Nott, waving at you from a far corner of the room.

Theo was your potions partner once or twice in the past. Out of all the Slytherins, he'd been mildly pleasant with you and wasn't half as bad to work with really.

Once again, you had to walk through the makeshift dance floor where some very drunken Slytherins were busting out their drunken best moves.

Theo was standing near the drinks with Malfoy and Pansy.

"Hello Theodore." You mumbled and gave a polite smile to Draco and Pansy. You couldn't help but notice how extra Draco looked in his black suit compared to everyone else.

He eyed you for a minute before returning your smile with a scowl and it didn't bother you one bit because you'd gotten used to it.

Draco was notorious for being sour and unpleasant to most people, and you were no exception.

"So what are you drinking?" Theodore asked, trying to break the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

"What have we got?" You asked, looking at the drinks that were in front of you.

"We were only able to get some elf-made wine and Vodka." Malfoy said, rolling his eyes. "Oh, and we have some Punch over there.

"We also have spiked Butterbeer." Goyle chimed seemingly out of nowhere looking extremely intoxicated.

"Punch please." You mumbled. Vodka wasn't your choice of poison and you didn't even know what they'd mixed into the Butterbeer.

After Theo handed you your drink, he took off to dance with a raven black haired girl . Both of them were extremely close to one another as they moved with the music.

Hannah was nowhere to be seen and you were left to awkwardly stand next to Draco, Pansy and Goyle sipping on your Punch rather quickly because you were a bit too sober for the company.

All this while, the only person talking was Pansy and it had gotten so awkward standing there with a smile and nodding your head denoting interest that you debated going to the dance floor yourself.

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