Agent 12

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The Agent's Heart

Agent 12 was always regarded as the ice man, his stoic demeanor and cold attitude left many wondering if there was anybody truly behind those calculating, unfeeling eyes. But after what he'd been through, few could blame him. His tragic past left his heart hardened and closed off to the world, allowing in no connections, save for his duty.

As Agent 12 walked down the hallway of the mansion, eyes cold and unfeeling as always, he suddenly felt an odd flutter in his chest. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in years, and one he had assumed was gone. It brought back memories of the past, memories he had sealed away long ago. It brought back the person he had been before his life turned dark and cold. But who was it that stirred this feeling within him?

"Mr. Pokerface!"

As he looked around himself, he could see the President's son following him, his eyes darting around in a curious manner.

"This nuisance..."

Agent 12 couldn't help but notice how the President's son's eyes held such a sharp intelligence, and it caught him off guard. The way those curious eyes probed into him, it was different from any gaze before. And that strange flutter in his chest became more noticeable, growing in intensity. Was this it? Was this the feeling he had repressed all those years ago?

As Agent 12's steps slowed and finally came to a halt, his breathing grew shallow. The butterflies in his chest were fluttering so feverishly he thought he would lose his breath. It was as though the whole world around him grew still, and a strange feeling of peace washed over him. As his chest heaved, he could see the President's son approaching him.

Junkyu approached Agent 12, his curiosity now replaced by a quiet, thoughtful expression. He could see the look of sadness in his eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder what lay behind that icy exterior. Junkyu was a perceptive boy, and he seemed to have seen right through Agent 12's protective shields. He took a step closer, his curious eyes now soft and understanding. Junkyu had noticed the strange feeling stirring inside Agent 12, and he gently reached out his hand.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you!"

Agent 12's breath caught in his throat as the President's son took his hand. The touch of Junkyu's soft, warm fingers startled him out of his thoughts, and he felt a sudden surge of that strange, new feeling. He could feel the butterflies fluttering in his chest, fluttering wildly now, and a warm sensation spreading throughout his body.


As he was about to talk, Junkyu's warm, soft hands wrapped around him, all that warmth and tingling he felt spread throughout his body. Agent 12 felt as though his heart would explode. He had never felt anything like this before, and his entire world was reeling in an intoxicating haze.

"I was scared. I thought I lost you, again."

At that moment, Agent 12 felt a burst of confidence and determination. He reached up and gently cupped his face, tracing the lines of his features with his fingers.

"You will never lose me. I promise."

Now without further adieu, I present to you...

A G E N T 1 2

Agent 12Where stories live. Discover now