Chapter 15

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TW: gun, blood, violence, death

One thing is for sure.

I don't know what I'm feeling. It's all so confusing, and I'm struggling to make sense of it. I can't explain it. I can't decide if I'm falling or not.

It's as if the ground beneath my feet has turned to mist, and all I feel is this dizzying sense of loss and longing. Is this what falling feels like? Is this love?

It's like a butterfly flapping its wings, but feeling the wind sweep you off your feet. It's a moment I want to hold on to forever, but I know that life is about moving forward and creating new moments of joy.

"Or maybe I'm just overreacting..." I whispered. I rolled into bed, praying that sleep would come to me. But it didn't work. My mind is awake, and I've been staring at the ceiling for several hours.

"This is annoying," I grumbled as I rolled again in bed. But still, I couldn't sleep.

It's all his fault! He kept running through my mind all night, keeping me up!

I stood up and groaned. Then I went to the kitchen to get some water. After drinking, I wiped my mouth and closed my eyes as I leaned on the sink. I took a few deep breaths before opening my eyes again.

I almost screamed in shock when I saw Jeongwoo standing beside the door. He looks... uneasy.

"Damn, you scared me, man." I exclaimed. But he kept staring at me as if he was seeing a ghost. I raise my brows and walks towards him.

"Are you oka-"

"Fuck! Don't come any closer!" he hissed. I came to a halt and looked at him, surprised.

"The hell is wrong with you?"

He looked me in the eyes before shaking his head. "W-why... did you leave your room?"

"Huh?" I asked, taking a step forward. He was starting to irritate me.

"Fuck. I'm sorry, Junkyu. I'm so sorry." He clenched his fists. "Shit."


A huge bang echoed around the kitchen. Then my vision became blurry. My body fell to the floor, and my ear was filled with a deafening ring. The last thing I saw was Jeongwoo's horrified face and a voice behind me.

"Haha, gotcha!"


I woke up, feeling dizzy. I tried to hold my head, but my arm wouldn't move. That's when I realized I was tied in a rope. Shit. I closed my eyes again, trying to recall what had happened.

Water... Jeongwoo... Shit! Jeongwoo!

I heard footsteps approaching me. I opened my eyes and saw a very ugly old man staring man me, smirking. Beside him is Jeongwoo, in his suit.

I furrowed my brows. "W-what's going on?" I can barely speak. My throat is as dry as the dessert.

I heard the old man laughing. "Hello, Mr. Kim," he said, smirking and biting his cigarette. "How was your sleep?"

His laugh irritated me for some reason. I looked at Jeongwoo, trying to show to him that I was confused by what was going on. But he just stood there, bored, staring at me.

Shit. Why is Jeongwoo behaving strangely?

I tried to get up but ended up groaning in pain. They tied me so tightly that my hands and feet ached.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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