Special Chapter

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merry christmas, lovelies! hoho! here's a gift! ily ≥3≤

Christmas Gift

"Good morning, Jeongwoo," Junkyu said, a smile on his face. "Merry Christmas!"

Jeongwoo approached him and patted his head. "Merry Christmas."

"Stop ruining my hair, asshole!"

"Or else what? Haruto won't love you anymore?" laughed Jeongwoo.

Junkyu glared at him and was about to throw the frying pan. "He loves me even if my hair is a total mess!"

Jeongwoo mocked him and laughed. After a brief moment, he began to look around.

"Speaking of Haruto, where is he?"

"He's still sleeping," Junkyu said. "Can you help me ? I can't cook all this by my self you know."

"Sure," Jeongwoo chuckled, and began helping Junkyu. "Weird. Haruto is always the first one to wake up. Unless he's tired," Jeongwoo stated while cutting the onions. He stopped for a moment, realizing what he said. "Unless he's tired..." he said as he looked at Junkyu.

Junkyu blinks and blinks again. "What?" he asks, dumbfounded. Jeongwoo's face creased into a smirk.

"Something must have happened last night that made Haruto tired." Jeongwoo grinned and moved closer to Junkyu. "Tell me, did something happened between you and him last night?"

Junkyu blushed and averted her gaze. "W-what?! Pft no, of course not! We just s-slept!"

Jeongwoo shrugged, still grinning. "Oh well, that's your privacy, so I don't mind."

"We really didn't do anything! I promise!"

"DO WHAT?" a deep voice demanded.

"Ah! Finally! Good morning, Mr. Pokerface!" exclaimed Jeongwoo. "Merry Christmas!"

"Shut up, dimwit! Only Junkyu is allowed to call me that!" Haruto glared at him and approached Junkyu. "Good morning, sweetheart."

Junkyu squeezed his cheeks and hugged him. "Good morning to you as well, love. How was your sleep?"

"I dreamed about you," Haruto stated, kissing him. Junkyu chuckled and kissed back.

"Seriously, guys? In front of me?" Jeongwoo scowled at the two. Junkyu just laughed at continued cooking.

"Let's finish this so we can eat breakfast and open our gifts right away."


"It's time to open our gifts!" Junkyu exclaimed excitedly.

"All right, so who gets to open his gift first?"

"Let's start with you, Jeongwoo."

Jeongwoo took a deep breath and reached for his gift.

From Haruto.

"This better be worth it, or I'll fucking kill you, Haruto," Jeongwoo declared.

Haruto laughed. "Open it."

Jeongwoo slowly opened it, his eyes gleaming. "No fucking way!" he exclaimed with glee. "You brought a GunSkins AR-15 Rifle Skin Camouflage Kit?! Dude! You're an angel! I've always wanted some of these!" Jeongwoo exclaimed, like a child who had received a gift of his favorite toy.

Junkyu and Haruto both laughed.

"All right, who's next?"

Haruto replied, "You, love."

Junkyu smiled. "Sure, my present comes from-" Junkyu read the paper. "Err...the most handsome guy...?" he asked, turning to face Jeongwoo. "Is this yours?"

"The one and only," Jeongwoo said and wink. Haruto throws pillows in Jeongwoo's face.


"That had better be worth it, Woo, or I'm going to burn all of your gun collections," Haruto said.

"Shut up! It's not even your gift, and besides, don't you trust me?" laughed Jeongwoo, looking at Junkyu. "Open it."

Junkyu began to open it.

"Uh, what is this?" Junkyu asked, picking up a piece of cloth and realizing what it was.

A pair of underwear!


Too late, Jeongwoo already ran away.

Junkyu sigh, put the underwear back, looked at Haruto and laughed.

"It's my turn, love. What's your present for me?" Haruto smiled and leaned in closer.

"Charan!" Junkyu exclaimed, handing him a small gift.

"That's a very small box," Haruto stated with a chuckle.

"Yeah. Open it!"

When Haruto opened it, he found a necklace with a half-heart in the center.

"Why is it half?" Haruto questioned.

Junkyu laughs and flashes his neck to Haruto. "We have the same, but I have the other peace."

Haruto snorted.

Junkyu pouted. "Why? Don't you like it? Look, whenever I put the heart together, it glows!" Junkyu exclaimed as he began assembling the hearts. Haruto just stared at him, adoring him, as Junkyu seemed pleased with what he had purchased.

"See? Isn't it lovely?"

"You're more lovely, love."

"Aish! Stop it love."

Haruto pulled Junkyu closer to him. "You know, I really don't need some gift. Santa already gave it to me even before Christmas."

Junkyu's face turned red.

"I love you..."

"I love you too, my nuisance."

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