Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


As I stared at the necklace on my table, I sighed. I want to give it back to him, but I'm afraid he'll punch me in the face for stealing his burned necklace. Sighing again, I stood up and decided to return his necklace. Why is this in my pocket anyway?!

I went outside and stood in front of his door. I was hesitant. Maybe I'll practice blocking when he punches me. Right.

I turned to face his door, imagining Haruto standing right in front of me. Then I imagined his angry face staring at me, ready to punch me. I ducked and covered my face. Then I pretended to punch him.

"Wata! Paw! Hah! Bogsh! Heyaa-".

"Are you okay?"

Jeongwoo's words caught me off guard. My eyes widened as I looked at him.

"Y-you scared me..." I clutched my chest and took a deep breath.

"Are you looking for Haruto?" He asked and I nodded. "He's not in there. I just saw him leave his room a few minutes ago," Jeongwoo said, crossing his arms.

"Is that so?" I asked, sighing as I looked at his door. "Could you please give this to him? I accidentally put this in my pocket."

I noticed Jeongwoo's eyes were gradually getting bigger. Eh? What's wrong?

"Why do you have his necklace?" he inquired, and I rolled my eyes.

"I told you I put it in my pocket by accident. Now can you give this to him?"

"Nah-ah. You're on your own now, kiddo," he said as he slammed the door to his room.

Why does Jeongwoo looks scared? Is Haruto really that terrifying? Is this necklace really that important? What if he kills me when he finds out I stole his necklace?

Because of the thoughts inside my head, my palms started to sweat.

"Ok, Junkyu, relax. He's not going to kill you. Chill." I said to myself.

Then a scene flashed through my mind.

"Are you scared of me?" He questioned. There was a sadness in his voice. He look so tired right now.


"Are you scared of me?" he asks again, dropping his gun on the floor.

"K-kinda. Like - just a little, you know? You're kinda scary sometimes," I admitted, scratching my neck. He chuckled and sat down beside me, which surprised me.

I could hear him sigh. "You shouldn't be afraid of me," he says as he strokes my hair. Shit. Our faces are too close. "I'm here to keep you safe and to protect you. I'm your Agent, Kim Junkyu, and you shouldn't be afraid of your Agent."

I blinked. "He's right. He's my Agent. I shouldn't be afraid of him. He won't kill me if I steal something from him; after all, this is just a necklace, and it was all an accident."

After I had calmed down, I decided to ask one of the guards if they had seen Haruto anywhere.

"He's on the terrace, sir," says the guard.

I thanked him and bowed before proceeding to the terrace.

There he is. I noticed him smoking and sitting down. Ew, cigarettes.

He looks like he's thinking very deeply and I'm scared of disturbing him. I'm scared he'll get mad and throw me a across the Pacific Ocean.

I then decide to leave. I don't want to bother him. Maybe I'll give this later. I heard him mumble as I took a step back.

"Where are you going?"

I exhaled a sigh. He noticed me. After giving him a glance, I decided to approach him


Wait. I wasn't prepared for this.

"I-I have y-your..." I swallowed and cleared my throat.

"My what?"


His brow furrowed.

"Just speak normally; it's not like I'm going to eat you alive," he said, holding his cigarette.

Oh, yeah, but you could kill me alive.

"I have your necklace."

As I handed him his necklace, he stared at me.

"Thank you; I've been looking for this."

Uh, you're welcome, I guess?

He motioned for me to sit beside him, and I did so, confused.

"Here, protect yourself." He handed me a small box, which I accepted. There was a gun inside. I glanced at him, confused.

"What's this for?"

"As I previously stated, protect yourself."

"Why? Is something going to happen? Are you dying?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not dying—or maybe I am, God knows—but that's not the point; I just felt as if something is going to happen after this." He smirked at me. "Better be ready than sorry."

"Right, but I don't use guns," I said, handing back the gun to him. "I'm not like you."

He threw away his cigarettes and took the gun from the box, pointing it at me. I was caught off guard and raised my hand in the air. Never in my life have I had a gun pointed at my head.

"What the fuck, Agent 10? Are you trying to shoot me?!" I yelled.

"Would you do it if I told you to go to the library and find where your father keeps all of his money and give it to me or I'd kill you?"

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Would you believe me if I said I'd set you free if you gave me your father's money?"

"Hell no!"

Haruto grins. "Good boy," he said as he took my hand in his and placed the gun in it. "Don't trust anyone, especially me."

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