Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Rest


Junkyu knocked twice after entering his father's room. As he entered, he noticed the President sitting in his bed. Junkyu sat beside his father, smiling. He also noticed the President holding a picture frame that contained a picture of his mother.

"Hi, dad." Junkyu said, his gaze fixed on the picture frame. The President smiled.

"It's your mother's death anniversary today."

"Is that so?"

Junkyu, on the other hand, is already aware of that. Every time this day arrives, he acts as if nothing special is happening. We can't really blame him. He loves his mother so much that he refuses to remember the anniversary of her death. He had always assumed that his mother was always here and that there was no need to commemorate her death.

That is also why he wanted Doyoung to come here. Doyoung already knows that Junkyu will spend the day drinking wines until he falls asleep. He will cry, throw things, and blame himself for his mother's death. Doyoung was always there for him, assisting him and protecting him whenever he's drunk.

Junkyu smiled as he reflected on the thought. He really loves his cousin so much.

"By the way, I'll be flying to Europe tomorrow. I want you to behave and not cause trouble, okay? Don't annoy the Agents or they'll shoot you in the head," the President and Junkyu both chuckled.

"Are you trying to scare me, Dad?"

"Sort of."

Junkyu shook his head as he laughed.

"Just be safe, okay? And come back here as soon as you can."

The President smiled and patted his head.

"You're a grown up now, aren't you?"

"Dad, please stop messing with my hair!"

"I'm sure you have a girlfriend now."

"Psh. I don't have one."

"Still waiting for the right one, eh?"


Junkyu watched his father laugh and noticed the eyebags under the President's eyes.

"You're just like me, son; I've waited for your mother for over 20 years just to marry her and—"

"Are you okay, Dad?"

The President came to a halt and looked at Junkyu.

"I am. Why did you asked?"

"Your eyebags are getting darker, and it appears that you're not sleeping well. Is everything okay?"

"Oh..." The President chuckled slightly, removed and cleaned his eyelashes. "I didn't sleep last night because I was thinking about our happy memories with your...mother," the President chuckles and restores his glasses.

But Junkyu already know that his father is deceiving him. That there is more to his father's silence. Something inside Junkyu feels like he does not want his father to travel and would rather stay at home and rest, but he understands that his father has responsibilities to the country.

"I'm going to bed now, and you should too," the President says, placing the picture frame back on the table beside his bed.

"Good night, father."

"Good night."

Junkyu gets to his feet and walks towards the door. He stops and looks at his father, who is closing his eyes.

The President is getting older. But he continues to do his job for the sake of the country. He's always on the go and never has time for himself. Junkyu also noticed that his father suffered from back pains everytime.

Junkyu sighed and whispered. "Rest, dad," he says as he shuts the door to his father's room.

As Junkyu walked through the hall, Haruto appeared in front of him. Junkyu stopped in front of Haruto, who has a grumpy expression on his face. They're about a meter apart and was facing each other.

"Do you want something?" Junkyu inquired, trying to hide his nervousness whenever the Agent was there.

Haruto cleared his throat. "Your boyfriend is waiting for you in the pool. He says he needs to talk to you about something."

Junkyu locked his gaze on Haruto. "W-what?"

"Your boyfriend, the one you hugged in the dining room."

"Yah, that's my cousin!"

Haruto was once again halted and perplexed. He let out a fake chuckle that turned into a laugh a seconds after. He shakes his head, still unable to stop himself from laughing. Junkyu, on the other hand, just stood there staring at him. He stood there, debating whether he should walk away or just watch Haruto laugh at himself for being stupid.

Haruto shakes his head and turns to face Junkyu. "All right, let's go."

Junkyu immediately looked away when Haruto glanced at him, nervousness filling his body.

"R-right," Junkyu muttered as he walked as fast as he could so Haruto couldn't catch up with him.

When the two arrived at the pool, Junkyu was still keeping his distance from Haruto as Haruto was dumbfounded by his actions.

Doyoung sat on the pool's edge, his feet in the water and splashes it happily. Junkyu approached him and sat next to him.

"It's cold in here, let's go inside."

"I like this pool," Doyoung said, giggling like a child as he splashed the water.

"Then get your own."

"I have a pool in my house."


Doyoung chuckle and stands up as well as Junkyu.

"How's the President?" Doyoung inquired as they entered the mansion.

When they entered the dining hall, they noticed the Agents talking about something. Junkyu ignored them and went to the refrigerator.

"He's flying to Europe tomorrow," Junkyu said as he drank some water from the refrigerator.

"Wait, you let him?" Doyoung massages his brow. "You know his condition, right?"

"I know, but he still has responsibilities."

"How about his own health?! Are a President's responsibilities more important than themselves?" Doyoung found a sandwich in the refrigerator and bite it. "Wow, this tastes great."

Junkyu rolled his eyes at him. "You know father, he's selfless. He wants to make sure everyone comes first." Junkyu shuts the refrigerator and stares into space. "If only I could stop him..."

"Unfortunately, you can't," Doyoung said, munching on a pair of sandwiches. Junkyu could barely understand him because of the sandwich inside his mouth.

Junkyu turned around and looked at the Agents who were still discussing about something. Doyoung noticed and looked at the Agents as well.

"Is there something wrong?" Doyoung questioned.

Junkyu's head shook. "Nothing."

"Look at their faces. They seemed to be discussing something serious." Doyoung chuckled and pointed to them with the sandwich in his hand.

"Yeah," Junkyu said, still staring at the Agents.

"I'm hoping it's not anything dangerous."

Junkyu stops.

I hope so.

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