Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Your room is sooooo boring, Haruto," Junkyu said as he sat in the rocking chair. "Why do you have this chair?" he enquired, pointing to the rocking chair.

"It helps me sleep," Haruto replied while reading, not looking at Junkyu. Junkyu nodded.

"Why am I here again?" Junkyu chuckled. "Do you have any wine?"

"Be quiet."

Junkyu locked his gaze on Haruto. "I'm asking nicely."

"This is my room, and no alcoholic beverages are allowed."

"But you have guns."

Haruto grins. "Ironic, isn't?"

Junkyu sighed and rolled his eyes. Haruto chuckled and reached for something under his bed.

"Here, play this instead to keep yourself entertained."

Junkyu took a look at the guitar Haruto was holding.

"Do you play guitar?" Junkyu asked.

"Yeah, that was given to me by your father."

Haruto's words made Junkyu smile. His father is really a wonderful person.

"Your smile is annoying, stop it," Haruto said as he handed Junkyu the guitar.

Haruto sat in the rocking chair, while Junkyu sat on the floor. Junkyu then began strumming the guitar, but it sounded terrible.

"Aigoo, do you really know how to play guitar?" Haruto inquired, to which Junkyu replied with a nod.

"I do! Dad taught me when I was six."

"Give me the guitar," Haruto said, and Junkyu did. Haruto carefully arranged the guitar strings as Junkyu stared at him. As Junkyu, who is still on the floor, watches him, Haruto begins strumming the guitar.

"Oh, I'm obsessed
With the way your head is layin' on my chest..."

Junkyu was taken aback by how good Haruto's voice sounded. He had no idea he could sing! Haruto noticed Junkyu staring at him, so he stopped and fake coughed.

Junkyu laughed at him. "Why? Are you shy? Come on, I'll sing, you'll play the guitar. Ready?"

Haruto remained silent. He can't take his eyes off Junkyu's smile.

'I had no idea he could be that attractive whenever he smiles.'

"Hey?" Junkyu snapped his finger in front of Haruto's face, causing him to come to his senses.

"H-huh? Uhm- yeah. Ready."

Junkyu laughed again, and Haruto couldn't help but laugh as well.

"All right. 1... 2... 3..." Haruto strung the guitar while Junkyu sang.

"How you love the things I hate about myself..."

Junkyu shifted his gaze to Haruto, who was strumming his guitar. To be honest, Junkyu began to feel something inside him whenever the Agent looked at him or touches him. , It's as if something inside him has awakened when Haruto's around. Something strange that he doesn't feel around anyone except for him.

"That no one knows, but with you, I see hope again..."

Haruto cast a glance at Junkyu and notices Junkyu staring at him. Haruto admits that he enjoys teasing Junkyu. He enjoys watching Junkyu's face turn red when he humiliates him. And he was cute. Very cute. And he's afraid he's going to fall again—

What?! No!

Haruto averted his gaze and stopped strumming the guitar. He sighed and rose to his feet. Junkyu, too, stands up, perplexed.

"What's wrong?" Junkyu asked.

"Nothing. I just left something outside. Wait here," Haruto said, trying to avoid Junkyu's gaze.

"Oh, okay," Junkyu says as he watches Haruto open the door and walk away. Junkyu sighed and sat on the rocking chair as soon as Haruto disappeared. Junkyu looked at the guitar he was holding and remembered Haruto's eyes. It was full of sadness. He looks so lost.

Junkyu sighed once more. "What's wrong with you, Haruto?"


Junkyu was startled awake when he heard a loud bang outside. He took a look around and noticed that he had fallen asleep while sitting in the rocking chair. Haruto, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found.

"Looks like he didn't come back..." Junkyu whispered. He looked at the time and was surprised to see that it was already night. His stomach begins to grumble, indicating that he is hungry. He gets up and walks out of Haruto's room. As he walks towards the dining room, he notices that there is no one around, and it is extremely quiet.

"Where is everyone?" Junkyu asked quietly. He decided to keep walking until he reached his room. But before he could walk away, someone dragged him into his room and shut the door. Junkyu was about to kick the guy when Haruto suddenly held his hands in the air.

"Hey, it's me. It's me," Haruto mumbled.

Junkyu couldn't see Haruto's face because it was dark, but he recognized his voice. Junkyu exhaled a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? And why did you drag me in here—"

"Shh," Haruto said, holding Junkyu's mouth shut. Someone was talking outside Junkyu's room.

"Did you find him?"

"I checked every room, sir, and he was nowhere to be found."

"Stupido, find him again or I'll kill you all!"

'How the hell did they entered this mansion?!'

Soon after, no one was speaking outside Junkyu's room. Junkyu was about to say something when Haruto drew him to the darkest part of the room where they couldn't be seen. The door swung open, and a masked man appeared in front of it. He looked around, looking for something. Junkyu takes a deep breath, fearful of being found. Haruto moves even closer to Junkyu and calmly embraces him. Junkyu dug his face into Haruto's neck since the Agent was taller than him.

Haruto noticed the mask man looking in their direction—or perhaps at them.

Haruto slowly took his gun from his pocket and was about to shoot the guy when he heard a voice behind the masked dude.

"Something wrong?" asked another man in a mask.

"Nothing," the guy said, shaking his head. "He's not here, go look in another room."

"Okay," says the other masked man as he walks away. The other mask man (who opened the door) looked in their direction again and sighed after leaving.

'That was close.'

Junkyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He really thought the guy saw them, but he didn't, much to his surprise.

Junkyu opened his eyes and realized he was too close to Haruto. He could hear Haruto's heavy breathing. He took a step back, and he could feel Haruto staring at him.

"T-they're gone?" Junkyu asked, looking away.

"Yeah," Haruto replied, also looking away.

The two stand there, looking at each other awkwardly.

'Oh, Merlin! What's going on?'

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