Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Today is the President's flight to Europe. Junkyu sighed as he watched his father and his bodyguards leave. It was still 6 a.m., and he had only just woken up from his slumber when he heard a noise outside.

"You're room's quite messy."

Junkyu jumped out of surprise when Jeongwoo spoke behind him.

"H-how did you..."

"Don't ask. I broke your door knob," Jeongwoo said and grinned. "Anyway, I've come here to inform you that I'll be leaving, and I'll be back at..." Jeongwoo checked his watch. "At 1:00 p.m."

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?"

"Nothing. Just telling you," Jeongwoo said as he turned away. "Oh, Agent 12 called and asked you to join him for breakfast."

"What? M-me? Why?"

Jeongwoo shrugged his shoulder. "I dunno. Alright, see you later," he said as he walked away.

Junkyu sighed and combed his hair as he leave his room.

He saw Haruto sitting in the dining hall and it seems that Haruto is expecting him. Junkyu coughed and took a seat in front of him. There was a wide range of foods on the table. Foods and beverages of various types.

"What's with all of these?" Junkyu asked, pointing to the foods on the table.

"I ordered them; you don't like it?" Haruto inquired as he began to eat.

"Of course, I like it, but why are there so many foods? Do we have visitors? And what's with the black candles?"

A black candle stood in the center of the table. Haruto sighed and set his spoon down.

"You asked too many questions, nuisance, and what's wrong with the candle? Black is beautiful."

"Black represents death."

"Stupid, not all black represents death."

Junkyu rolled his eyes and began to eat. "You're so weird."

"You're noisy."

"And you're weird."



"Fuck it, can you two stop? We're in the middle of eating!" exclaimed Jeongwoo.

Junkyu looked at him, surprised. "I thought you left?"

"Yeah, and you two didn't notice me because you were busy fighting," Jeongwoo says, placing his hand on his hips.

"We're not fighting."

"He started it."

Junkyu glared at Haruto. "No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did."

"Shut up, pokerface."

Jeongwoo massages his brow. "See, this is what I mean."

"But didn't you say you were leaving?" Junkyu questioned.

Jeongwoo sat down and ordered some fried chicken. "Yeah, forget it," Jeongwoo said, raising his glass of wine. "Bon appetit."

"You're sweating. Is there something wrong?" Haruto inquired this time.

"No," Jeongwoo says, wiping away his sweat. "I'm fine, I'm just in a hurry to eat your order."

"All right, but why-"

Jeongwoo interrupted him. "Can we just eat first? I'm starving."

Junkyu nodded. "Right."

Junkyu glanced over at Haruto, who was eating. Junkyu senses that something is wrong, but he has no idea what it is. He shook off the thoughts and began to eat.

The three of them eat quietly. Nobody bothered to speak up. As soon as they finish eating, they walk to their rooms Before Junkyu opened his door, Haruto stopped him.

"What?" Junkyu inquired, confused.

"Can you lock your door and windows after you enter your room? Also, put the gun I gave you in your pocket and don't lose it."

"Huh? Why- wait, I can't lock my door, Jeongwoo broke it," Junkyu says, scratching his head.

Haruto sighed. "Get your gun, then come to my room."

"Wait, what-"

"Just do it."

"But why?"

Haruto took a look around. "Nothing; I just have a feeling something bad is going to happen."

Junkyu's eyes widen. "You sense it, too?"

"Yeah. So hurry up, nuisance."

Junkyu hurriedly grabbed his gun from his room and smiled at Haruto.

"I'm ready, sir! Let's go!" Then walk first towards Haruto's room.

Haruto chuckled and whispered. "What a nuisance."

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