Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Cousin

Junkyu had a very boring few days after that. After what happened in the library, he hadn't seen his father or the Agents for several days. He was alone in the mansion with the guards.

Junkyu sighed. "Don't you think this mansion is getting boring?" he asked one of the guards. As an answer, the guard nodded.

Junkyu sat down on the sofa, unconcerned if it gets dirty with his shoes. He pulled his phone from his pocket (his father returned it to him after he apologized, lucky kiddo) and dialed his cousin's number.

Calling Mr. Medicine...

Someone finally picks it up after a few rings.

"Hello?" a husky voice answered the phone.

"Finally, my dear cousin, you pick up!"

"What do you want this time, Kim Junkyu?" His irritable voice caused Junkyu to laugh.

"I need you here asap."

"Give me a convincing reason why I should listen to you."

"Can't think of anything. Could you just come here?"

"Ah," yawned the other person on the line. "I just had another surgery, and I'm exhausted. I need to rest."

"I've got problems," Junkyu said, his face sad and hurt. "I want to show you something."

"What? Again?"

"A-huh, so please come here, my dear cousin."

"Fine, Kim Junkyu. Whatever."

"Thank you, Kim Doyoung."

Junkyu smiled as he hung up the phone. Kim Doyoung is his (only) cousin, and he knows he won't say no when Junkyu needs something. It's because of what happened years ago. Doyoung was saved from abuse by his father thanks to the President. The President provides him with food, clothing, and shelter, and he even allows him to attend school and study medicine. Doyoung understand the benefits of paying back the President's kindness, so he worked hard to become a doctor. And it's like a win-win situation.


The doorbell rang a few minutes later. Junkyu told the maids to open the door while he sat at the table with a bowl of ramen. When the door swung open, he saw his pale cousin with eyebags on his eyes.

"Thank you for coming, doctor. There's something I really need you to look at," Junkyu said, motioning to the seat in front of him. Doyoung sighed and sat down.

"Could you please stop calling me doctor? And what was it you wanted me to look it into?"

"Look, my ramen," Junkyu said, pointing to the ramen on the table.

"Uh... okay? Those are nice looking ramen," Doyoung said, scratching his neck.

"I haven't touch them all morning." Junkyu stated, smiling weirdly.

"What's wrong with your ramen?" Why is my cousin becoming more strange everyday?

"There's nothing wrong with my ramen. I made a delicious one."

"Okay, then put them away. Please tell me you did not just call me here to put your ramen away."

Doyoung massaged his forehead as Junkyu laughed uncontrollably.

"I'm just kidding," Junkyu said, laughing.

"Wow, nice joke." Doyoung said sarcastically. "Is that it? I'm leaving."

"No, no, wait!" Junkyu exclaims as he rushes to his feet.


Junkyu pouted. "Don't you miss me, cousin? We haven't seen each other in years. How about a hug?"

Doyoung sighed and rolled his eyes. "We're no longer kids, Junkyu. Stop being clingy."

"I'm not clingy, I just missed my cousin. Come on, bring it on," Junkyu said as he spread his arms and waited for Doyoung to hug him.

Doyoung sighed once more and walked towards Junkyu.

"I'm gonna kill you," Doyoung glared at Junkyu.

"I bet you do," Junkyu chuckled.

They hugged each other. To be honest, Doyoung missed him a lot. He doesn't want to show it because he knows Junkyu will tease him endlessly.

They've been best friends since they were kids. They would do anything for each other. Doyoung was bullied a lot by his classmates back then, and Junkyu was always there to protect him. Nobody ever fights Junkyu because his family is wealthy and he has his own bodyguard, whereas Doyoung is the total opposite of Junkyu.

"Look at them, aren't they just sweet?" said a voice as it entered their scene. When the two Kims looked behind them, they noticed the Agents standing next to the door.

"Who are they?" Whispered Doyoung.

"They're the Agents, that's Agent 10 and Agent Poker—err, 12," Junkyu said, looking at the Agents.

"May I help you?"

"Ah, yes, Mr. Kim, the President would like you to go to his room right now," Agent 10 replied.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, sir; he just wants to talk to you."

Junkyu nods and taps Doyoung on the shoulder. "I'll be right back."

"All right, whatever. Go. The President is waiting."

Junkyu walked away from the sala. He didn't even look at Haruto. He doesn't have a reason, he just doesn't like it. Something inside him felt strange whenever Pokerface is around.

Something he'd never felt before.

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