Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Raising

"Aight, ladies, cheers!" Junkyu said as they raised their glasses of wine to toast. Junkyu was so preoccupied with drinking that he forgot about the Agents. He looks around at the ladies and men standing right in front of him, cheering on their drinks even though he doesn't know who they are. That's what he likes about the bar. Even if you don't know them, they always approach you, talk to you, and get drunk with you, which no one does outside of the bar.

A lady approached Junkyu and sat on his lap.

"You're zoning out again, handsome. Are you thinking of me?" laughed the lady.

"I'm always thinking of you, sweetheart," Junkyu said. The girl's face flushed and turned as bright red as a tomato. What can we expect? That's Junkyu's charisma, making girls blush.

The girl held his face and crashed her lips onto him. Junkyu didn't waste any time and kissed her passionately back. His hands move up her back and down to her waist. Minutes later, as the two continued to kiss, they were interrupted by a deep voice.

"Mr. Kim."

Junkyu stopped and looked behind the lady. Agent Pokerface stood in front of them, emotionless.


"We have to leave."

"Babe, who is he?" the lady whispered at Junkyu. Junkyu simply smiled at her and cast a glance at Agent Pokerface.

'The nickname fits him so well...Agent Pokerface.' Junkyu laughed at the thought.

"About that, you can go first, and I'll just find a cab later," Junkyu said.

'Is he stupid? ' Haruto thought.

'Why is he giving me that look? Did I say something wrong? ' Junkyu thought as well.

For a minute, the two exchanged glances until Jeongwoo—wearing bloodied shirts—interrupted them.

"Yo? We really need to go, stop staring at each other," Jeongwoo grumbled. Junkyu was confused by his blood-splattered shirt.

"W-where do you get those?"

Haruto grinned. "What's the matter nuisance? Scared of blood?"

Junkyu glared at him, and Haruto returned the stare. Jeongwoo frowns at the immaturity of the two.

"Oh my God, stop fighting you two."

The three (along with the people in the bar) then heard a gunshot. Haruto grabbed Junkyu's wrist and dashed towards the exit, followed by Jeongwoo. As they arrived the exit, Jeongwoo noticed some men standing outside holding large guns.

"Ah shit, are they really that absurd to kill me?" Junkyu whispered.

"I'll take care of them, you take him to a secure place first," Jeongwoo ordered.

"Do not tell me what to do," Haruto stated.

Jeongwoo sighed and rolled his eyes. "Shut up, moron. If anything happens to him, I'll kill you."

'Are they still going to talk in the midst of a war?' Junkyu thought.

"Whatever, asshole. Same place?" asked Haruto.

"Same place," Jeongwoo replied, walking towards the men's room.


"Get in," Haruto said. Junkyu immediately went inside the car and watched Haruto walk towards the driver's seat.

"So, um... are we going home?" Junkyu questioned, fastening his seatbelt.

"Where else are we going to?" Haruto glanced at Junkyu. "Unless you want to do something fun," Haruto smirked at him.

Junkyu raised one of his brows. "Excuse me?"

Haruto gave him a what-the-fuck-are-you-thinking look.

"You green-minded nuisance," Haruto whispered as he began driving the car.

"I heard that, jerk!"

"Good to know you have ears. Next time, why not listen to your father when he says don't go to the bar, hm?" Haruto stated sarcastically while driving.

Junkyu rolled his eyes. "My safe haven is the bar."

Haruto retains his expressionless expression again.

"Ladies are your safe haven."

"You're saying as if I'm a womanizer."

"Because that's what you are."

"Any evidence, Mr. Pokerface?"

Haruto furrowed his brows.

"What did you just call me?"

Junkyu smirked, "Mr. Pokerface?"

"Oh really, Mr. Nuisance?"

"I'm not a nuisance!"

"And my face isn't always poker!"

The two went silent.

"Wait, this isn't the way to my mansion, where are you taking me?" Junkyu inquired.

"Oh, I thought you wanted a trip?" smirked Haruto.

"What?! I never said those!"

"You wanted some fun, didn't you? I'm giving you some now before we go home," Haruto said as he laughed evilly.

Junkyu looked behind and noticed the black cars following them.

What the fuck?

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