Chapter 13

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After my mother died, my world shattered. It broke into pieces and pieces. But I didn't bother fixing it. What for? My mother is already gone. My father and I rarely communicate. My life is all a mess.

But after hearing the news, I felt deafeningly silent. My world didn't only tore, but exploded. How can God take everything I love?

I stayed in my new room for weeks where Jeongwoo brought me after that incident where several men barged into the mansion. I did nothing but sleep and stare at a wall and cry then sleeping again. Repeat and repeat.

"You haven't touched your food." Said Haruto, who entered my room without me even noticing.

"I'm full," I mumbled under my breath. I lay down on the bed and wrapped myself in a blanket.

"Such a nuisance." I heard him whispered. I ignored him and just closes my eyes.

"Hey, get up." He grabbed my blanket and threw it in the floor.

"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted. I stood up and was about to take the blanket again, but he grabbed it before I could even touch it. He then grabbed each of my arms and pushed me against the wall. I tried to break free from his grip, but he was stronger than me.

"I should be the one asking you that question. What's wrong with you? You haven't eaten in days!" He exclaimed. I tried to get out of his arm but his hand tightened even more and his body moved closer to mine.

"Shit, Haruto, let me go!"

"Not until you come back to your senses."

I locked my gaze on him. "What the fuck do you want me to do?!"

"Fix yourself! Stop being such a baby!"

"I just fucking lost a father, Haruto!" I bite my lower lip, trying not to cry. "I just lost my only family. Now, what do you expect me to do? Go out and celebrate about it?"

He stared at me and sighed. His grip loosened, and he let go of my arms. I let myself slide down the wall till I landed on the floor. I stared into space, and tears began to fall from my eyes.

"I just wanted to vanish. I want to stop my heart from aching. I'm too tired."

"I understand but—"

"No, you don't understand!" I stood up. "Do you even know what it's like to be left by loved ones?"

I noticed how his Adam's apple moved up and down and how he avoided my gaze.

"I do," he mumbled, his face darkening. "I know exactly how you felt."

There was a moment of silence for us.

"Call me when you're hungry," He heads towards the door and left the room without even looking at me.

I woke up from the noise outside my room. It was Jeongwoo, and he seemed to be watching a movie since he was laughing a little too loudly.

Wish I can laugh like that too.

I stood up and looked at the time. It's 5 p.m. now, and it's starting to get dark outside. I could hear my stomach groan. To be honest, I'm starving right now. My body is becoming slimmer, and my lips are becoming dry. I also noticed the meal that Haruto had brought for me. I took the dish with the cold food on it and opened the door to my room, deciding to eat in the kitchen.

As soon as I stepped outside my room, Jeongwoo's shocked expression greeted me.

"Holy mother of all cows, is this really happening?" he said, as if he had just seen an angel for the first time and couldn't believe it.

"You're overacting," I replied as I entered the kitchen. He kept following me and asking me questions.

"Are you all right now? Are you hungry? Do you want any food? I suppose your room is uninteresting, which is why you come out, am I right?" Then he starts laughing out loud.

I ignored him completely and starts looking for foods in the cabinet.

"Do you want to eat? I can cook you some meal," Jeongwoo said.

"Yeah, what kind of food do you have here?"

"Glad you asked. Well, we have... " he mumbles on, but only one food stucks up in my mind.

"... bread, some leftover cake in the fridge— don't blame me, it was Haruto who ate it. I told him we should leave it for you, but took one spoonful bite of it. That asshole. Oh, and we have some pepsi in here, Haruto has drank up all the cola and that's all that is left—"

"Can you make sushi?"

"Sushi?" he asked, perplexed.

"Yeah, I really want one."

He looked at me for a few seconds before clapping his hand. "Very well, I shall cook Your Majesty a sushi."

I chuckled. I sat in the dining area, watching Jeongwoo prepare sushi. I had no idea he was a good cooker.

"By the way, where's your other half?" I asked, playing with my hands.

"My who?"

"Your other half, Haruto." I tried to suppress my laughter. He looked at me, perplexed.

"How did Haruto became my other half?"

"Well," I paused and rested my elbows on the table. "You two are always together. You were there wherever he went, like his other twin who can't live without the other."

I heard Jeongwoo laugh. When I looked at him, he was holding his stomach and laughing uncontrollably.

"That was funny. You know, you're the 96th person who told me this," he said, bursting out laughing again.

"Really?" I am starting to laugh with him too.

"But there's something you all didn't know," he said, laying out the nori on the bamboo mat. "He's not my twin, he's my boss."

"Interesting," I said, rubbing my chin.

"You might think I'm joking, but I'm not," he says as he throws the knife and catches it with his other hand. He's obviously playing with the knife. "Of all the Agents out there, he was special. While we all have different strengths and weaknesses, Haruto doesn't have one. He's like a robot with no feelings."

"Wait, I understand the robot part, but having no weaknesses and strengths? Come on, only kids believe such things. Who is he, superman?"

"Who knows," Jeongwoo shrugged as he continued to make sushi.

"I still don't get it."

"You don't have to." Jeongwoo faced me and smiled. "Haruto is full of mysteries. He himself is a mystery too."

Sometimes, Jeongwoo's deep words are amusing.

"And speaking of Haruto," Jeongwoo glanced behind my back and waved his hand. "How's it going, man?"

I froze in place. I wasn't ready to face him. I stand up, not looking at him, and slowly walk towards my room, attempting to flee. But before I could even take a step, someone grabbed my wrist. When I turned around, I saw Haruto's face. He seemed more calm than the last time I saw him.

"Let's talk."

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