Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Bar

Junkyu sighs as he adjusts his hats. He's dressed in a black jacket and glasses so the guards don't notice him escaping. He quickly took out his car keys and locked the door to his room.

It's almost midnight, and he knows that everyone except the guards has fallen asleep. He grinned, put on his mask, and quickly walked away.

Junkyu walked slowly towards the living room, thought no one was there. The guard looked at him, probably wondering what he was up to. Junkyu simply smiled and motioned the guard to keep quiet. As he was about to open the door, his father's voice stopped him.


Junkyu turned around and saw his father with the two Agents behind him.

Fuck I'm screwed.

"Hi, dad. You're still awake?" Obviously, Junkyu.

"Hm, yes, the Agents and I decided to have a meeting," the President explained. "How about you? Why are you still awake and... wearing sunglasses?" Junkyu noticed the two Agents chuckling slightly.

"I- uh- I'm just thinking about going for a walk. Like, you know, exercise," Junkyu explained. He unintentionally bumped his arm against the guard standing next to the door.

"Huh- ah, r-right sir."


Junkyu fixed his gaze on Agent 12.

"What did you just say?" Junkyu sarcastically questioned.

Agent 12 remained silent. He just rolled his eyes as Agent 10 laughed.

"Are you sure you're going for a walk, son? Isn't it too late?"

Junkyu exhaled a sigh. "All right, you got me. I'm going to the bar, dad. Please let me. I'm old enough, and I promise I'll be careful."

The President sighed. "Fine. But bring the Agents with you."


"End of discussion. You may leave."

The President left the three awkwardly alone. Junkyu sighed, rolling his eyes.


Junkyu rushes outside and into his car. He waits inside his car while the Agents continue to walk and talk about something.

"Can you two go faster? Damn, you guys look like snails."


Junkyu and the Agents were greeted by loud music and half-naked girls dancing. The girls notice their presence and are impressed by their visuals. They walked straight up to the three and gave them a filthy look.

"Hello there, handsome," the girl said, winking at Junkyu.

Junkyu smirked and turned to face the Agents. "Have fun, you two. I'll see you later," he says as he walks away with the girls.

Jeongwoo turned to face Haruto. "Let's go to the counter."

Haruto nod and followed Jeongwoo. While the bartender mixed their drinks, the two sat at the counter.

"What do you think about the President's conclusion? Do you think he's correct?" asked Jeongwoo. Haruto shrugged.

"What if they really have a leader and he's just, you know, an assistant?" Jeongwoo wondered. Haruto simply stared at the glass he was holding.

"Like he was just being ordered by someone to kill your girl—"

"Cut the shit, I know he just did that to get revenge at me," Haruto said as he drank his wine quickly.

"Still bitter, huh?"

"Shut the fuck up if you don't want your brain to be blown" Haruto glared at Jeongwoo. "Oh, I forgot, you don't have a brain."

"Woah, woah," Jeongwoo said amusingly to Haruto. "I didn't know Agent 12 knows how to joke."

"Shut up."

For a moment, the two Agents drank their wine until a girl sat beside Haruto. Haruto didn't notice the girl at first, but she kept touching Haruto's feet with her, which irritated Haruto.

"May I fucking help you?"

The girl laughs and moves closer to Haruto's ear.

"On your left..."

The girl then walked away, leaving Haruto confused. Jeongwoo laughs and taps Haruto on the shoulder.

"What did she say?"

"She said..." On your left.

Haruto immediately looked at the left side, trying to find anything suspicious. He keeps looking until his gaze falls on someone sitting in the corner. The man was unsettled and looking for something. Or perhaps someone.

Jeongwoo also cast a glance at the man. Jeongwoo was staring at the man's jacket when he realized something.

"Haruto, a gun..." Jeongwoo said quietly. Jeongwoo was about to take his gun out of his pocket when Haruto stopped him.


"Just wait," Haruto said, returning his gaze to the man.

"Tsk, fine."

A few seconds later, the man's gaze is drawn to Haruto. His mouth curved into a smirk. Haruto returned the guy's stare.

"He saw you," Jeongwoo said quietly.

"I know."

The man was still smirking when he got something in his jacket. Haruto looked closely until he noticed a gun silencer.

"Shit! Jeongwoo, duck!"

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