Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Fun

"You wanted some fun, didn't you? I'm giving you some now before we go home," Haruto said as he laughed evilly.

Junkyu looked behind and noticed the black cars following them.

"The fuck? Are you insane?" he exclaimed. "We're going to die!"

"Those cretins won't kill me, and I'll even bet they're not gonna live 20 minutes after," Haruto said.

Tsk! Prideful!

Junkyu noticed the car following them speeding up.

"Fuck, there's too many of them! How are we going to get away?" Junkyu's hand began to tremble.

"We don't escape, we fight," Haruto grinned as he looked in the side mirror at Junkyu, who was now closing his eyes in terror. "Suck it up, princess, the show is about to begin."

'This jerk calling me a princess in the midst of a fucking war?!'

"I really hate you..." Junkyu whispered.

Haruto snorted at him and speeded up the car. The road was empty, no cars could be seen because it was 2 a.m. They are the only ones making noise on the road. 'I hope no one gets upset and yells at us for being too loud,' Junkyu thought, laughing inside.

The cars got closer and closer until one of the men decided to shoot their car. Junkyu ducked and held his head.

"Shit! They have guns?" Junkyu exclaimed in shock.

"Where's the fun if you don't have guns?" Haruto chuckled and began to play music. Junkyu notices that Haruto keeps smiling, unlike when he first met him. Is this really his happy pill?

'Well, shit.'

"For fuck's sake, let's go home!"


"I said let's go home or I'm going to jump in this car!"

"Jump then," Haruto said, his face bored. Junkyu looked out the window and noticed they were on a hill.

'How on earth did we get in here?!'

Junkyu sighed in defeat as he cleared his throat. 'I hope this works,' he sighed again, turning to face Haruto, who was busy driving. "Please Agent Poker- I mean twelve. I don't want to die yet. I want to go home. I-i promise next time I'll listen to my father. Please please let's go home," Junkyu begged Haruto.

'Fuck this is humiliating...'

Haruto rolled his eyes. "Fine."





"... something happened to you?! what would you do if the Agents weren't there, huh?" Junkyu snapped back to reality when his father's eyes met his. While his father combed his hair in annoyance, he looked down and mumbled, "sorry father."

The scenario of him and Haruto in the car being chased by black cars still haven't left in his mind. That was the most dreadful moment of his life. If you ask him if he wants to be a rock in his next life or be chased by the same cars, I'm sure he'll choose the the rock. Who wouldn't want to be a rock, after all? You'll just lay around all day doing nothing. No problems, no fights, no black cars—


His father's stern expression startled him.

"Y-yes, father?"

"I'm asking if you understand, and God, are you even listening?"

"I-i am."

With a shake of his head, his father exited the sala, leaving Junkyu and the two Agents behind.
Jeongwoo is sitting in the couch, and Haruto is standing near the door, his gun in his hands. That was the gun he used to murder all of the men in the car. Junkyu caught sight of Haruto's sly grin.

"I didn't know boys at your age—"

"Shut up."

"...still gets scolded. Isn't it funny?"

The two Agents laugh as Junkyu tries to control his rage.

"You two sucks," Junkyu remarked sarcastically as he exited the sala.

"No, we lick darling!" Jeongwoo yelled as Junkyu walked away.

"Bwahahahahaha! Did you see his face? He was like a kid getting scolded by his father," Jeongwoo laughed. But he quickly comes to a halt when he notices Haruto's solemn expression as he stares at his gun.

"Come on, that was hilarious!"

"Yeah, whatever, I found something in their car that I think we can use," Haruto says as he shows Jeongwoo something.

Jeongwoo grinned.



Junkyu annoyedly enter his room. He is annoyed at Haruto's face, his personality, his smirk, and everything about him. He hates it.

Junkyu decided to take a shower. He didn't know how long he had been staring at the tiles. The water is dripping down his back to his feet. He can see himself in the mirror and his wet hair.

'What a handsome guy...' Junkyu thought to himself, chuckling. He really enjoys adoring himself. Not gonna lie tho, he's really good looking. But then the image of a smirking Haruto flashed through his mind.

"Tsk, stupid pokerface."

'So he loves playing, huh? Let's see how much he loves games.'

Junkyu grinned. A plan was created in his head. He's not going to let Haruto get away with what he did. He's gonna hunt him down.

Nobody messes with Kim Junkyu.


hi! today is the last day of the year. i just wanted to say thank you to everyone. mwa mwa. also, please excuse my typos and grammatical errors hahaha. i'll get back to it once i finish this story.

thank you and stay safe lovelies. シ︎

ily ≥3≤

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