Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Jeongwoo, you motherfucker, where the fuck are you?" Haruto yelled as Junkyu and him rushed through the corridor of the mansion. They heard multiple gunshots all around the place, and it feels like war.

"Fuck! How did they get in here?! Where are the guards?!" cursed Haruto once more. Junkyu rolled his eyes at him.

"Your swearing isn't going to help us, Pokerface; stop it!"

"You act as if you never curse."

Junkyu ignored him and opened a door. He motioned for Haruto to enter. "There's a secret exit in this room; hurry inside!"

Even though Haruto was confused as to how Junkyu knew there was an exit in this room, he shut his mouth and wandered around the room.

"So, where's the passage?" Haruto inquired, checking to see if his revolver was still loaded with bullets. He didn't receive a response from Junkyu, so he looked up and saw Junkyu tapping something on a remote control.

"This isn't the time to watch television, you nuisance. Just tell me where the exit is so I can get you out of here because I still have things to do—"

"Relax, Mr. Pokerface," Junkyu smirked. "Just sit back, watch, and learn. Amor." He pressed a button on the remote control, and the bookcase split in half, revealing a dark corridor inside.

Haruto averted his gaze, attempting not to return Junkyu's smirk. It's enthralling. It's like a magnet attracting your attention— wait what was he thinking?

Annoyed, Haruto stepped inside the dark passage and walked around.

"It's dark," Junkyu observed.


"Ah, I remembered it now!" Junkyu said, clapping his hands twice. "Lights, please!"

Then, unexpectedly, the lights came on. The black passage became a very bright one.

Junkyu smiles as he glances through the corridor at the lights. His childhood memories came back, where he used to escape here whenever the President wouldn't let him go outside.

Haruto stared at Junkyu, whose eyes sparkled as he remembered all the great times in his life. For a second, Haruto forgot about the urgency to escape. Junkyu smiled at him, which made his heart race like crazy. The place became quiet, and everything went in slow motion.

Then, Haruto heard a voice. Her voice.

"Haruto! Wear this."


"Because it will represents as our promise to each other that no matter what happens, we will not love anyone anymore but just you and me, forever, okay?"

"Why do we need that? You knew I wouldn't replace you forever."

"I know, Haruto. I know you love me, and I love you too. But if your love for me fades and you'll find someone else, please don't hesitate to tell me, okay? I will understand you, I promise, and I will accept your decision no matter what."

"What are you talking about, love?"

"You know you're the best thing that ever happened to me, Haruto. I love you. Always."

"I love you, too."

"Haruto? Hey!" Junkyu snapped his fingers in front of Haruto's face, bringing him back to reality.

"You good?"

"H-huh?" asked Haruto, looking around. They're still in the passage and haven't moved yet. He can also hear the gunshots outside. Haruto stops. That piece of memory is like an arrow that directly hit his heart and shattered it into pieces.

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