Chapter 14

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"Let's talk."

I locked my gaze on him for a split second. Then I snap back to reality. I take back my hand and turned away. I took another step, but stopped when I heard what he said.

"I'd like to apologize. I know it was harsh of me to grab you like that. I understand how you're feeling right now. It hurts, I know. But I just wanted to check your health. You barely touch your food. Your routine is unhealthy. I want to change it. I want to cheer you up, but I can't. I'm sorry."

I gulp. I'm at a loss for words right now. As previously stated, I am not prepared to face him at this moment. I also felt bad about what I did the previous time. I'd like to apologize, but not right now. Perhaps later.

I turned around and crossed my arms in front of him. "If you're sorry, show it."


I sighed and rolled my eyes. "If you want me to accept your apology, show me that you're sorry."

"Wha- fine. Whatever."

He approaches me slowly. I wasn't expecting anything. I was just waiting for him to do something. Perhaps he'll kneel and beg me. That's all I can think of.

But what he did surprised me.

He carried me... in a fucking bridal style!

For a brief moment, I was speechless due to my shock. What is he up to?!

"W-wait! Put me down! What the fuck are you doing?" I struggled to break free from his grip.

"Can't you see I'm helping you?" he asked calmly.

"Helping me what?! To walk?!"

He came to a halt and looked at me. I was still clutching his neck as he carried me.

"I'm helping you... to take a bath because you stink," he says, smirking as if about to do something very evil. Oh, no. I don't like this.

He kept walking until we got to the back of the house. And what I saw shocked me.

How come there's a pool in this haunted house?!

"Ready? In 3... 2..."

"Wait!! No! Put me down!! Aaaaaaa!! Help!"

Haruto starts running towards the water while still holding me. Then he jumped. He fucking jumped with me in his arms. I closed my eyes as the water welcomed me.

This fucking asshole.

We both tried to catch some air.

"H-haruto... fuck, I-i can't... swim," I said, coughing. He looked at me as if he was enjoying what he was seeing.

"You can't swim?" he asked, a grin on his face. I agreed by nodding. I tried to stand on the pool, but it is too deep and I might get drowned. I cling to his arms once more, and he holds me back. As I cling to his neck, his both hands hug my waist.

"Don't worry. As long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen to you." He said. "I'm your Agent, Kim Junkyu, and you shouldn't be afraid of your Agent."

My body calmed down, and my breathing returned to normal. What he just said made my heart skip a beat. My cheeks are also starting to burn. Is it because of the pool? Or the sun?

"You look like a tomato. Are you blushing?" He gently touched my face, which startled me.

"W-what? No... of course not," I said, turning away. "Me? Blushing? Psh. You wish."

"I bet you can't resist my charm," Haruto smirked. "Sad to say, but I'm not into boys."

I pushed him away quickly. "I'm not into you, asshole!" Then I realized I couldn't swim, so I clung to his arms again.

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