Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Necklace


"So, you're not going to drink today?" Doyoung inquired as we reached the door.

I chuckled and tapped him on the shoulder. "No, I'll pass this time."

But knowing Doyoung, he will not stop until his curiosity is satisfied. He touched my cheeks and forehead and his brow furrowed.

"Are you sick?"

I laughed and pulled his hand away from my face. "No, I just learned my lesson, and you said you were tired, right? So go home and rest, and I'll see you next time."

I drag him outside and say good-bye with a wave. He shakes his head and waves to me before leaving. I sighed and was about to shut the door when I noticed the Agents getting into a car and speeding away. They're dressed formally, and their shoes are as gleaming as gold. I ignored them and proceeded to my room.

As I was opening the room for my door, an idea occurred to me. The thought made me smile. Mwehehehehe.

So, since Haruto wasn't here, I decided to sneak into his room. I hoped he hadn't locked his room— and I was right! I entered his room slowly and looked around.

I'm surely get arrested for trespassing here but who cares? Mwhahaha.

I walk into his room and saw the girl's picture frame again. I picked it up and looked for the necklace, but it was nowhere to be found. I put it down and looked at the bookshelves beside his bed.

"Wow..." I muttered. This book looks so... boring. I don't understand a single word it said. Is this really what Agents read?

I was about to walk away after returning the book to the shelf when I noticed something. I glanced at the 'The Little Prince' book and decided to picked it.

I had no idea he had this book— oh shit!

I froze in my spot when the bookshelves spun around, revealing another room. When I realized what it was, my eyes widened.

A hidden room!

...full of guns.


So this is where he keeps all of his weapons? Kinda cool.

It was all about guns. There are guns on every wall. In the center of the room is a table. I saw the burned necklace on the table and picked it up. I didn't even know how long I stared at the necklace.

I walked around, checking each gun. I'm not an gun expert, but this seems so to be quite pricey. I looked around and noticed the familiar gun he used to carry around. I picked it up and pretended to shoot someone. I laughed and replaced it back in the wall hanging.

When I was about to leave this secret room, I heard a door opened. I quickly put back the book into the shelves, and as I expected, the shelves turned around. When I heard footsteps approaching, I quickly tried to find a hiding spot. I looked around and decided to hide under the bed.

"Ah shit..." I exclaimed as I struggled to get my body under the bed. Everything was completely covered in dust. I covered my nose to avoid sneezing. Then I heard footsteps again, getting closer and closer until it came to a halt in front of me. It didn't move, it's just standing there. Then he slowly knelt down. I close my eyes, hoping he won't see me.

I sighed with relief as he stood up and walked away. Phew...

I was about to move when I caught a dust in my nose and sneezed. My eyes widened as I noticed him stopped walking. I could hear him sigh and chuckle slightly.

"Ah, you nuisance, what should I do to you?" he said, still standing and not looking at me.

W-wait. He saw me?!

"Your long legs are showing. You should've search for a bigger spot for a tall person like you," he said, as if he had just read my mind.


I slowly crawl out from under the bed, wiping away dust. I was still lying on the floor, facing Haruto's back. He was still standing and didn't seem to be moving. I couldn't see his face. I exhaled and tried to get up, but I was stopped when I noticed him walking towards me. I finally saw his face, and it was filled with scratches and bloods. Did he get into a fight?

He came to a halt in front of me and kneeled down until our faces were leveled. I also noticed blood on his clothes. I could hear him breathing. I locked my gaze on him, and he smirked. Then he took something from behind him. When I saw him holding a gun, my eyes widened. Oh, no!

I take a step back until I reach the wall. There was nowhere to go. When I looked at Haruto again, he was just staring at me. I couldn't read his expression. I'm not sure what he's up to. Is he going to kill me?

I was startled when he reached for something in my head. My hands are trembling as I close my eyes. I heard him chuckling so I opened my eyes. He was removing the dust from my head. I returned my gaze to him. He was still on his knees, holding a gun. I took a deep breath and pointed his gun at him.

"Can you keep that away?" I inquired. Haruto took a look at the gun and then at me.

"Are you scared of me?" He questioned. There was a sadness in his voice. He look so tired right now.


"Are you scared of me?" he asks again, dropping his gun on the floor.

"K-kinda. Like - just a little, you know? You're kinda scary sometimes," I admitted, scratching my neck. He chuckled and sat down beside me, which surprised me.

I could hear him sigh. "You shouldn't be afraid of me," he says as he strokes my hair. Shit. Our faces are too close. "I'm here to keep you safe and to protect you. I'm your Agent, Kim Junkyu, and you shouldn't be afraid of your Agent."

I blink.

No, that's literally all I did.

I was taken aback by the way he spoke. It was gentle and deep. As I stared at him, he continued to caress my hair.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"I fucked up..." he said, resting his head on his armrest. "I fucked up."

I couldn't help but glance at Haruto every now and then. At some points, he seemed pretty lifeless. A chuckle or two emits from him whenever Jeongwoo says some stupid things, but that's about it.

Looking at Haruto made me realize that he isn't that irritating to look at. I mean, his features are chiseled. He has attractive features. His eyes- if you stare at them for a long time I'm confident that you'd melt.

"You did well," I stated.

He shook his head and looked at me. We both stared at each other for a minute until he broke the silence. He coughed and averted his gaze.

"Get out."


"You're in my room, get out," he mumbled as he dragged me to the door. He gave me another look before closing the door. I paused for a moment, blinking. I sighed before proceeding to my room.

"He's such a moody guy," I said as I opened my door. "Sometimes he's angry, sometimes he's not, sometimes he's scary, sometimes he's not. Aish, crazy pokerface."

I collapse into my bed, exhausted. But then I noticed something in my pocket. I dug around in my pocket and found Haruto's necklace. My eyes grew bigger as I stared at the necklace.

I'm a thief?


hello lovelies! i apologize for the very very late update. I got sick for days (along with my family), and it was very hard ㅠㅠ. gladly, i'm okay now! and i'm back! ^^

may i ask, was my chapters too short? i read other people's stories, and their chapters were much longer than mine. and i'm afraid you'll hate me for writing too short. just asking! ^^

thank you and stay safe lovelies. シ

︎ily ≥3≤

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