Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Book

Junkyu was the first one in the mansion to wake up (except for the guards, of course). Just like his usual routine, he takes bath and wears his favorite pink hoodie. It was given to him by his mother on his 12th birthday, which also happened to be the day his mother died. That's why he hated the number 12, also that guy named Agent 12.

Today's plan was to apologize to his father in his room. He's been doing this for a long time. Whenever he and his father had a disagreement, he would go to his room the next day and apologize.

He makes his way to the President's office. He knocked twice on the door, but no one answered. He became perplexed and was about to open the door when a guard spoke up.

"He had a meeting, sir, and he left his room an hour ago," said the guard.

"Is that so?" Junkyu sighed, stroking his hair with his fingers. "Can you tell me where the library is?"

The guard directed him to the library. Junkyu doesn't like reading (meh, it's boring), but he doesn't have a choice because he's hundred percent sure Haruto won't go in that place- or so he thought. Also, he can't go outside or even use his phone because he's grounded, so why not explore the mansion?

Junkyu took a look around the library to see how big it was. He took a step forward while his hands slid through the books. The shelves were so high that he felt like he was walking like a dwarf. How could there be so many books?

He walks until he comes to a halt in front of a ladder. The ladder is also quite tall.

Because he's bored, perhaps he'll try to read just for this time. He decided to climb up the ladder. There are too many books, so he tried looking for books on 'How to Murder Someone Without Being Jailed' or 'How to Kill an Agent.' He's not planning on doing that to Haruto, but who knows?

He's still looking for books minutes later. So far, no book has piqued his interest. Some are about science, mathematics, or history. Tss, too boring.

"Aha!" Junkyu has finally found the book he has been looking for. He smiled as he read "The Little Prince." This was also his mother's favorite book. His mother would read him this book every night before he sleep. The book was full of dust, so he wiped it off using his hands.

"What are you doing?" The voice echoes through the library. Junkyu was startled, losing his balance. Junkyu's mind was moving at a snail's pace as he fell from the ladder. In his peripheral vision, he noticed Haruto stretching his hand, as if he was about to catch Junkyu.

'Maybe he's not that bad after all,' Junkyu thought.

A loud bang was heard a split second later. Junkyu's buttocks were the first to touch the ground, while Haruto caught the book. Haruto smiled and opened the book.

"The Little Prince? Nice choice," Haruto muttered as he flipped through the book. "I've been looking for this book for years, glad you found it."

Junkyu was still unable to talk. He didn't move an inch. He just sat there, perplexed by what had just happened.

"You..." Junkyu came to a halt and stared at Haruto. "You didn't catch me!"

Haruto tilted his head. "Why would I catch you anyway?"

"I was falling!"


"So?! You were supposed to catch me! That's your job, you dumb motherfucker!" Junkyu yells, standing up irritably.

"My job is to kill whoever the President orders me to kill. However, he didn't order me to catch you falling in a ladder," Haruto stated and bowed his head, indicating that he was leaving.

"Wait!" Junkyu yelled as he walked in front of him. Haruto's brow furrowed.


Junkyu shot him a death stare before grabbing the book Haruto was holding. But Haruto didn't let him— instead, he clutched the book tightly so Junkyu couldn't take it. Junkyu drew back the book, and Haruto did the same.

"I'm going to kill you if you don't let go of my book," Junkyu muttered, his gaze fixed on Haruto.

"This isn't your book," Haruto said, frowning.

"This is my father's library. This library is part of my father's mansion. This mansion is from my father. I am his son, so I own what he owns. What about you? You're just a bodyguard, remember?" Junkyu grinned and tried to pull the book again, but Haruto was too strong.

"I said let go— OUCH! WHY DID YOU LET GO?!?" Junkyu's butt touches the floor for the second time.

Haruto shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. "You said to let go, so I did."

"I didn't mean- uh- argh, you drive me insane!" Junkyu grumbles as he stands up. "Eat that book of yours!" He said before leaving Haruto in the library.



"That bastard!" I yelled as I punched the punching bag.

I hated him. I truly hate him, I swear to the universe and back. How could he do that to the President's son? How dare he?

I'm currently at the gym. My father owns one, so I don't have to walk all the way to the gym. That would be a complete waste of time.

I stopped punching as sweat began to form on my head. I exhaled a sigh as I searched for my water bottle. Oh, I forgot to bring one. Tss stupid Junkyu.

I walked out of the gym with my towel. My room isn't that far away, so I arrived right away. I went to my mini kitchen and drank some water after wiping my hair with a towel. I asked my father to build this mini kitchen so I wouldn't have to eat out.

I decided to cook noodles because I could feel my stomach groaning from hunger. This was my life when I was not yet in this country. I'd eat noodles in the morning because it's the only food I know how to make, and then I'd go to the bar with my so-called friends in the evening.

I'd be lying if I say I didn't miss them. Despite the fact that I only met them at the bar, they brought me a different kind of happiness. Happiness that I wouldn't be able to find in here.

I was still not free back then. Everytime, faith would put me in a very dangerous situation. I was chased by some men once (not in a car, that was different, fuck you Haruto), and nearly got poisoned by some foods. Father was unaware of this, and I had no intention of informing him.

As I stood there watching the noodles boil, I sighed. The aroma is enticing, and it's as if it's already calling my name. I poured the noodles into my bowl and began walking toward my table. But before I could sit down, I noticed a book and a scrap of paper on the table.

The book I tried to grab from Haruto.

And the piece of paper has a word written on it.

Sorry :")

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