the girl on the bridge

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The night air was humid as he jogged through the dimly lit streets. Cars occasionally zoomed by, and the lanterns flickered on and off.

Checking his watch, he squinted as he read the time.

1:28 am.

Kirishima Eijirou often went on midnight jogs to take his mind off of his new lifestyle. His parents were off on some sort of job overseas so he was all alone at home for the time being.

He found out that keeping order in the house while balancing his high school life, homework, and training was a lot more difficult than he originally thought.

His residence was currently a mess, with clothes strewn everywhere and a pile of dishes in the sink. He wasn't proud of it but his studies took priority.

The second his watch changed to 1:30 am, he turned around and began to make his way home. He always took the same route for his midnight jogs. He began hiking up the bridge that overlooked a smooth lake and hummed a tune to himself. As he neared the center, he could barely make out a silhouette of a girl sitting on the ledge, dangling her legs precariously over the edge.

Her clothing was ripped and bloody, the tatters fluttering in the wind. Her hair was messy and ragged, looking like it had been forcefully cut. He paused, his breaths coming out ragged.

Slowly, Kirishima approached. He made his footsteps loud to alert her that someone was coming. If she heard him, she didn't show it.

"Hey. It's dangerous there. You should step back," he tried, taking his hands out of his pockets. The girl remained still, continuing to kick her legs gently.

"Are you oka- woah!" As Kirishima went to put his hand on her shoulder a piece of metal came flying at him, stopped just before piercing into his carotid, "What do you want with me?" she asked, her voice dripping with venom.

He stepped back, holding his hands out in front of him to show the girl he meant no harm, even though her back was still turned to him, "The edge of a bridge is dangerous."

"I'm not stupid," the girl slowly turned toward him. Her eyes were filled with violent anguish hidden cleverly under her mask of aggression.

The crimson-haired boy laughed nervously, "I know that, but you're still here. Sitting at the edge of a bridge even though you know it's dangerous."

She swung her legs around and stood up. Her arms were bruised and bloodied. It had looked like she was in some sort of fight. The burns on her arms looked deep and fresh.

"How about you come over to my place? I'll help you!"

In that instant, her guard was back up. She walked toward him, her eyes sweeping his form, "And why, would you allow me, a random girl on the side of the road into your home? You really ought to be more careful. What's your quirk?"

"Hardening. I can harden my skin at will," he replied enthusiastically. The girl exhaled and jumped back, "So that's why you weren't scared of my metal? You're my natural enemy. I wouldn't be able to do anything if you attacked me."

Kirishima's face fell, "I wouldn't attack you. I want to be a hero. I'm supposed to save people. I wouldn't ever hurt you."

At his words, the girl's eyes softened, but only for a slight moment. Kirishima took this chance, "Your wounds will get infected if you don't disinfect them. That burn looks pretty intense. I promise I wouldn't hurt you. If you don't feel comfortable, you can leave once you heal."

The girl pondered this, looking at her arms and back at the red-haired boy. With a small nod, she allowed Kirishima to take her hand and slowly lead her away from the bridge.

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