what was once his

119 13 25

TW!! suicide!!


"I think you might want to have this," Aizawa said softly, holding his palm out. Kirishima looked up sullenly to see a small piece of orange jewelry in his hand. His heart ached desperately as realization crashed onto him like a huge wave.

She had never taken the promise ring off.


"I found out who snitched," Mina said quietly, "It was Mineta."

Kirishima sighed.

What's done is done.

"I'll kill him for you," Bakugou said.



Mina had moved into Kirishima's house to keep him company.

He was too tired to stop her.


"You've dropped out of UA?" Sero asked incredulously. Burying his hand in his hair, he sighed.

"If I didn't, UA was gonna kick me out anyways," Kirishima said, "I wouldn't have gone anyways. Shinsou or whatever his name is can have my spot."


Kirishima never once went into Y/N's room ever since she left. Her phone remained on the couch, untouched.

The kitchen spices that Y/N had organized what seemed like lifetimes ago were also untouched.

Her toothbrush, face wash, and shampoo were untouched.

He wasn't going to ruin the very last things he had of her.


He wore her hoodie every night.

Eventually, it had stopped smelling like her.


Mina had put Y/N's ring onto a string for Kirishima to wear since it was too small for him.


Staring up into the stars, he sighed with defeat. Y/N's ring was coiled around his finger.

He remembered how much she had loved the stars. Raindrops poured from the sky, matching his shitty mood. Even the heavens were crying for her.

Kirishima couldn't even tell if his face was wet from tears or from the rain. Taking a step closer to the roof, he took a deep breath. He couldn't live without her.

Allowing his body to tilt forward, he fell. For a split second, he felt the exhilaration of being able to see his love again, but that was quickly shattered when his quirk slammed into place, protecting him as he crashed into the ground.

The concrete beneath split and Kirishima knelt at the middle, slamming his fist into the broken rock. With every punch came a sharp jab of pain. His visage was clouded by the heavy raindrops that fell from the sky, his heartwrenching screams echoing throughout the backyard.

"We were supposed to dance in the rain together, Y/N."



Anyways, I'm going to be writing a Bakugou fic called 'Intertwined' and after that, I'll be writing a Denki one.

Thank you all so much for reading hehehe ilysm.

here's a kiss for each of u



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