the acid goddess of class 1a

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"Kiri, if you told me I would be meeting your little girlfriend, I would've tried harder on my hair this morning!" Mina pouted, crossing her arms. Kirishima blushed slightly and looked away, "She isn't my girlfriend-"

"Oh come on! It's obvious you have a thing for her. Look! You're redder than your hair! I'm still kind of mad you took Bakugou and Kami to see her before me!"

Kirishima tried to sneak away, but Mina grabbed the tail of his shirt and pulled him back, "Didn't you say you found her on the side of the road? Poor girl must have nothing to wear besides your yucky shirts and knowing you, you definitely didn't ask her if she needed anything. How the hell has she been living with you," Mina chastised, lightly hitting the back of Kirishima's head, "No worries! We can stop by my house and I'll get her some of my clothes that I don't wear!"

The boy inclined his head at his pink-skinned friend, "You're a lifesaver, Mina."

"You've got good taste, Kiri. She's pretty." Mina said, pulling up the picture Kirishima had sent her on the day they had gone to the beach, "If you aren't going to date her, you bet I will."


When Kirishima came home, Y/N was on the couch, reading a novel written by Kirishima's favorite author. She heard a girlish laugh and Kirishima shouting, "Y/N! COME MEET MINA!"

Bouncing off the sofa, she tentatively walked over to the front door. Ashido Mina was in the flesh, standing at the front door with large tote bags and a huge box. Kirishima had a huge pile of what seemed like clothing in his arms.

"I'll set this in Y/N's room!" Kirishima said, walking toward the bedrooms. Y/N smiled as Mina dropped everything she was holding and engulfed the girl in a hug, "Y/N! So nice to finally meet you! Kiri has told me so much about you. Thanks for looking out for him, by the way. You don't even know how much happier you've made him!"

Y/N was surprised by the almost immediate affection, but she welcomed it. Mina's looks matched her personality entirely. 

"I brought you several things, 'cause you've probably been living with Kiri's man supplies," Mina whipped out a pack of candy, "Here! To start off our friendship!"

"Thank you... Mina? Is it okay if I call you Mina?" Y/N asked, accepting the box, which was promptly snatched out of her hands by Kirishima, "I'll just get started on these!"

Mina gathered everything back into her arms, "Of course, babes! Now, where is your room? I need to set these goodies down."

"You didn't have to bring all this, Mina," Y/N took the lead, pushing the door open. The bed was unmade and there were several books on the desk along with her phone. 

Mina blew a raspberry, "And let you live in Kirishima's sweaty clothes? How have you not gone insane?"

The girl plopped onto Y/N's bed and stretched her arms and legs out in front of her, "Kirishima's treating you well, I hope?"

"Y-yeah!" Y/N said, sitting on her window seat and hugging a pillow to her chest, "It's been fun."

Kirishima popped his head into the room, his mouth full of the taffy Mina had brought, "I'll be in the gym if you need me!"

The boy was dressed in a tank top with his hair pulled back. He wore a pair of gym shorts and his usual sneakers. 

"Sounds good!" Mina cheered, waving Kirishima out of the door. The pink-skinned girl jumped up and began rummaging through the piles of clothing, "I'm not sure if we wear the same size so I brought some clothes in a bigger size and some in a smaller size! I just brought basically anything I don't wear anymore so just take your pick!"

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