hot chocolate with a side of horror

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"Y/N, tomorrow is the weekend," Kirishima threw himself onto her bed. Y/N was laying down with her tongue clamped between her teeth, engaging in a vicious battle. Her fingers tapped harshly on the device, and she let out occasional groans and slight curses.

"Mhm, so what?" She responded, throwing the phone down in defeat. She looked up into the red-haired boy's eyes, "Wanna do something, then?"

His face lit up, "I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER ASK! Let's watch a movie?"

Peeking out of her curtains, she took in the dusky environment. The sun was almost obscured, with the last remaining rays lingering, "What movies you got?"

He scratched his head, "See, the thing is, I don't watch movies at home on the big screen. I usually watch them on my phone. And we have no snacks so I'll have to run to the market and rent something."

"You asked me to watch a movie without the movie?" the girl raised her eyebrow, kicking her legs out of the blanket. He rubbed his neck, "I promise I'll be fast?"

"I'll come with you." she decided as she stood up, her sweatpants swishing across the floor. The boy squat down with his back facing her. Y/N stared blankly, "Uh, Eijirou? What the hell is this?"

"It would be faster if I just carried you. I'll run. This can count for my midnight run and extra training," he beckoned her up, "Let's go."

She flushed a deep scarlet and she threw her hands in front of her, "Ei- I can run, it's fine."

"Nonsense! I'll pretend I'm rescuing you! I'll have to do it eventually so might as well practice now!"

Unable to convince him, the girl accepted her fate and crawled onto her friend's back. He was warm and his muscles, hard from all the vigorous training, rippled with each movement. She fit snugly on his back, wrapping her legs around his torso,

He walked out of the room and through the front door. The moment he left the house, he picked up speed, running effortlessly through the streets. Despite having a burden on his back, he was fast and agile, jumping up every curb and dodging branches.

The wind gently caressed her face and her tresses flew out behind her. All forms of embarrassment were gone and were replaced with an airy exhilaration. Laughs began to erupt from her windpipe as they traveled, and soon, Kirishima joined in.

Their laughs and whooped echoed off of the tall buildings, earning them dirty glares from the late-shoppers.

"Aaaand, we're here!" Kirishima announced, setting her down at the front door. The two of them bore slightly red faces and were panting due to the amount of screaming and laughing they did. Walking inside, both of them headed over to the movie rental machine.

"Is horror your thing? What about action? Documentaries?" Kirishima asked, browsing through the options. She shrugged, "Romance? Horror? I like them all, I guess."

He pressed several buttons and two movies were dispensed, "Alright, then we'll get both romance and horror. I just picked some random ones, I hope you don't mind."

Pocketing the movies, the two proceeded inside. Grabbing a rather large shopping cart, Kirishima hopped in and pointed to the snack aisle, "GO, SOLDIER, GO!"

She took ahold of the cart and pushed off, running through the air-conditioned supermarket. She maneuvered through the shelves and made sure not to hit anyone. When they arrived, Kirishima began grabbing every single thing in his sight and throwing it in the basket with him.

"Are you sure we should get so much?" Y/N said worriedly, "We won't be able to eat it all."

"WHO CARES?" he grinned, "We can watch more movies tomorrow. We'll watch them every single day until you say you don't want to watch them anymore!"

𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀/𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now