the house was lonely once again

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"Kirishima, you need to eat," Sero pestered, trying to shove a sandwich in his face. Kirishima pushed it away, grumbling about how he didn't want it. 

A week later, and Y/N was still the only thing he could think about. Her red hair that she dyed to match with him, her huge smile, her forehead kisses, her warm embrace. 

Everything reminded him about her. 

Kirishima's eyes were bloodshot, dark purple bags dragging down his eyelids. His hair was tangled after a full week of burying his head into his pillows, rotating between screaming and crying. 

"You're falling into a depression," Sero said, sitting on Kirishima's bed. He flinched at the sudden sag of his weight. The red-haired boy didn't respond. Instead, he pulled his covers over his head. After a moment, he finally spoke. 

"It hurts." His voice was a rough croak, the result of not speaking for many days, "It hurts a lot."

Sero sighed, "Yeah. I know. She would want you to eat, though."

The red-haired boy whipped around to meet Sero's eyes. Sero faltered when he took notice of Kirishima's venomous glare, "And how would you know that, Sero? Did Y/N call you and tell you that herself?"

"Woah, dude-"

"I doubt she did, considering her phone is on the couch, exactly where she left it a week ago," his voice crescendoed as his eyes lit up, "Why don't you tell me how you figured out what she wants?"

"Because she cares about you, goddamn!" Sero whistled, seemingly unfazed by Kirishima's outburst, "She cares about you, like me, Bakugou, and Mina! She would want you to be healthy! Hell, that's why she left, isn't it? To protect you."

Kirishima was silent as he listened to his friend scold him. 

"While you're here moping, Kaminari is out, trying to find her. Bakugou is coming over almost every day to clean for you and Mina is making all of the food you're currently refusing! We all care for her, Kirishima! It's not just you."

The red-haired boy rolled over, a lamented sigh escaping his lips, "But it still feels empty without her."

"Do you need me to give you a little hug?" Sero continued, his anger rising with every word, "Or maybe give you a little kiss on your cheek?"

"Just shut up and leave me alone," Kirishima said, closing his eyes and covering his ears with a pillow, "I didn't ask you to do all that."

Sero stood up and began walking out of the door, "I left the sandwich and some soup on your nightstand. Call us if you need us."

Kirishima heard Sero mumble something to his friends before the all too familiar slam of the front door. He also heard the gentle footsteps of Ashido Mina and the stomps of Bakugou Katsuki. 

"Kiri? We're going to head out, okay?" Mina said, poking her head into Kirishima's room. Her fake smile dropped after the crimson-haired boy didn't respond. 

Bakugou let out a scoff before following Mina, "Later, Shittyhair."

After they left, Kirishima flipped over to his back, gazing dejectedly at the ceiling. He was wearing the sweater that he let Y/N borrow the first day she was here. Somehow, it still faintly smelled like her. 

He appreciated how his friends came over nearly every day to help him to do things he couldn't, but he genuinely wanted to be left alone. His head was swirling with fear and doubt. Despite Y/N's past is revealed, he wasn't scared of her. No, he wanted to embrace her. He wanted to hug her and tell her that no one could threaten her the league of villains did. That she was safe. 

But she had slipped through his fingers before he could. He wondered if she was thinking about him. The news channel constantly played on the tv in his room. He always kept it on in case there was any news about Y/N. Every time she was mentioned, it was just people saying how scared of her they were and how they felt unsafe. 

Kirishima clenched his fists. He knew that they had nothing to be afraid of. Y/N had months to hurt her, yet she did nothing but care for him. If only heroes saved her in time, she wouldn't have to go through the pain of losing her sister. She would've looked up to the hero who saved her and possibly wanted to become one. 

If only, if only, if only.

He knew he shouldn't be angry, but he was. He was angry at the heroes, the villains, even the damn world for being scared of her. 

Suddenly, he saw Y/N's face pop up on the tv. Turning up the volume, his heart nearly stopped when he read what was on the headlines. 

"15-year-old mass murderer finally caught."

"Yesterday, heroes found 15-year-old Y/N L/N huddled under the bridge. They tried to apprehend her, but the culprit fought back, wounding several pro-heroes such as Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Eraserhead. Thankfully, there were no casualties-"

The video of Y/N wildly defending herself was played. Kirishima's face was still with horror, watching the pros fight. She was fighting Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady, doing more deflecting than attacking. In the end, she had her metal completely wrapped around Kamui Woods and she had hurled him at Mt. Lady's head, the weight of both the hero and the metal smashing into her face. 

In a split second, she had formed a bare knife blade and ducked, as Eraserhead's scarf came flying out of the shadows. Kirishima could see a conversation being exchanged between the two as they engaged in battle. Both of them were highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, moving fluidly and dodging each other's weapons. Blood was streaming from Y/N's hand from the bare metal blade as she swung it at Eraserhead.

That was when it cut off. Kirishima's hands were trembling, as he, out of everyone, should know how formidable Eraserhead is. Pushing his covers off, he ran out of his room and jammed his feet into his shoes. 

"Y/N, I'm coming."


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